___ ~Evelyne Egensperger
Born in Rennes, llle et Vilaine on January 13th, 1944
Daughter of ~Papi and ~Mamie Paulette
Spouse: André Tibloux
Claude ___
Émmanuel et Olivier
There is a huge difference in age between Claude and Evelyne. Four and a half years! I emphasize the "half" because for ten or eleven year old kids this is just enormous. Since I was the big brother it was my duty to have my little sister in tow wherever I was going. I still remember all the good times we had at the Square du Puits de l'Hermite or in the Jardin des Plantes or on the banks of the Seine climbing the huge piles of sand freshly unloaded from the barges along Quai Saint Bernard. And then that was the day when somewhat distracted I forgot Evelyne. Fortunately for all of us, as a big girl she found her way home all by herself.