--- Kanji Pronunciation
KEI KYŌ ani nii elder brother  Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
SHI (→ 市) ane elder sister  Ref. 姉 [(elder) sister]
TEI DAI DE otōto young brother  Ref. 弟 [(younger) brother]
MAI imōto young sister   Ref. 妹 [(younger) sister]
A phonetic "a"  Ref. 亜 [-a]
MU BU na(i)  Ref. 無 [-less]
TATSU -tachi   Ref. 達 [-plural]
I  Ref. 以 [-pointer]
BUTSU FUTSU Bhudda | France  Ref. 仏 [Buddha|France]
EI (→ 央 ?) England | English  Ref. 英 [England]
TA ō(i) lots of | many | multi   Ref. 多 [a lot]
YAKU about | around | approximately  Ref. 約 [about|around]
Ō (→ 黃) yoko  Ref. 横 [across]
GEN arawa(-) from present time | real  Ref. 現 [actual]
KEI KYŌ he(ru)  Ref. 経 [administer]
GO KŌ ato nochi ushi(ro) behind, after, later  Ref. 後 [after]
SEN saki ahead | before | forward   Ref. 先 [ahead]
KI KE gas | spirit  Ref. 気 [air]
mata also  Ref. 亦 [also]
GAKU (→ 各) amount | quantity | sum  Ref. 額 [amount]
SEKI analyze  Ref. 析 [analyze]
SO (→ 且) ancestor | forefather | grandfather  Ref. 祖 [ancestor]
TŌ kota(eru) answer  Ref. 答 [answer]
HAN anti- | going against  Ref. 反 [anti-]
GUN military | armed forces | troops  Ref. 軍 [army]
CHAKU tsu(ku|eru) to arrive  Ref. 着 [arrive]
ki(ru) to wear  Ref. 着 [arrive]
SHI ya arrow | dart  Ref. 矢 [arrow]
RAI tano(mu) ask  Ref. 頼 [ask]
FU tsu(keru|ku) append | attach  Ref. 付 [attach]
TATSU attain | reach  Ref. 達 [attain]
KYO yuru(su) authorization -> to authorize  Ref. 許 [authorization]
HAI se back | stature | person height  Ref. 背 [back]
AKU O waru(i) bad | evil  Ref. 悪 [bad]
ni load  Ref. 荷 [baggage]
KYŪ (→ 求) tama ball | sphere  Ref. 球 [ball]
CHIKU take bamboo  Ref. 竹 [bamboo]
KI moto base | foundation  Ref. 基 [base]
YOKU a(biru|biseru) to bathe  Ref. 浴 [bathe]
I chiga(u|i|eru) be different  Ref. 違 [be different]
HIN hama beach  Ref. 浜 [beach]
BI utsuku(shii) beautiful   Ref. 美 [beautiful]
YU YŪ yoshi (1) cause | reason (2) pass through  Ref. 由 [because of]
ZEN mae before  Ref. 前 [before]
SHI haji(meru|maru) to begin | to start  Ref. 始 [begin]
SHIN what you can believe in: trust | faith  Ref. 信 [believe]
DAI TAI ō(kii) big  Ref. 大 [big]
CHŌ tori bird  Ref. 鳥 [bird]
KU kuru(-) niga(i|ru) (1) bitter (2) suffering  Ref. 苦 [bitter]
KOKU kuro(i) black  Ref. 黒 [black]
SUI fu(ku) to blow | breathe out | play flute, etc.  Ref. 吹 [blow]
SEI SHŌ ao(i) blue  Ref. 青 [blue]
HAN(→ 反) BAN ita board | plate  Ref. 板 [board]
SHŪ fune funa boat  Ref. 舟 [boat]
TAI TEI karada body | form | frame | style  Ref. 体 [body]
HON moto basis | book | this  Ref. 本 [book]
RYŌ both  Ref. 両 [both]
SETSU o(ri|ru|reru) fold | break off  Ref. 折 [break]
HA yabu(ru|reru) break  Ref. 破 [break]
MEI a() aka() bright | clear   Ref. 明 [bright]
JŪ shiru juice | soup  Ref. 汁 [broth | juice]
HITSU fude brush  Ref. 筆 [brush]
KEN KON ta(teru) tate to build  Ref. 建 [build]
KAN (→ 官) [large public] building | hall | edifice  Ref. 館 [building]
SHA house | quarters  Ref. 舎 [building]
SOKU taba tie up into a bundle  Ref. 束 [bundle]
KYOKU [government] office | bureau  Ref. 局 [bureau]
SHŌ ya(keru|ku) burn  Ref. 焼 [burn]
BAI ka(u) to buy  Ref. 買 [buy]
SAN calculate | count  Ref. 算 [calculate]
TAI calm | tranquil  Ref. 泰 [calm]
MA asa hemp | flax  Ref. 麻 [cannabi]
KA (1) able to, capable | (2) approval  Ref. 可 [capable]
KYŌ KEI capital  Ref. 京 [capital]
BYŌ (→ 苗) neko cat  Ref. 猫 [cat]
RI (→ 里)  Ref. 理 [cause]
Ō middle | center  Ref. 央 [center]
HEN ka(eru|waru) to change | unusual | strange  Ref. 変 [change]
JI aza character | letter  Ref. 字 [character]
CHŌ naga(i) long | chief  Ref. 長 [chief]
SHI SU ko child   Ref. 子 [child]
KAN China | Chinese  Ref. 漢 [chinese]
SHI ichi city | market  Ref. 市 [city]
TŌ TO (→ 豆) nobo(ru) climb | go up  Ref. 登 [climb]
HEI to() shi(maru|meru) to close  Ref. 閉 [close]
UN (→ 云) kumo cloud  Ref. 雲 [cloud]
KAN samu[i] cold (weather|...)  Ref. 寒 [cold]
REI tsume(tai) hi() sa() cold  Ref. 冷 [cold]
SHŌ collide  Ref. 衝 [collide]
SHOKU SHIKI iro color  Ref. 色 [color]
GŌ GAT- a(u|i|wasu)  Ref. 合 [combine]
KŌ(→ 夅) o(riru|rosu) fu(ru|ri) to come down, to rain  Ref. 降 [come down]
RAI ku(ru) kita(ru, su) to come   Ref. 来 [come]
SHA company | office   Ref. 社 [company]
RYO  Ref. 慮 [consider]
to manufacture | to construct  Ref. 工 [construct]
SETSU install | erect | construct  Ref. 設 [construct]
ZOKU tsuzu(ku|keru)  Ref. 続 [continue]
YO ata(eru)  Ref. 与 [contribute]
RYŌ suzu(shii) cool   Ref. 涼 [cool]
SHA utsu(su|ru) (to) copy  Ref. 写 [copy]
SEI SHŌ tada correct | right  Ref. 正 [correct]
KOKU kuni country | nation  Ref. 国 [country]
REI   Ref. 礼 [courtesy]
GYŪ ushi cow  Ref. 牛 [cow]
TO (→ 度) wata(ru) crossing | going across  Ref. 渡 [crossing]
-ko(mu) to be crowded | mixed  Ref. 込 [crowded]
HAI sakazuki cup | glass  Ref. 杯 [cup]
DAN ta(tsu) cut off → resolve | conclude  Ref. 断 [cut off]
SETSU SAI ki(ru|reru) cut   Ref. 切 [cut]
AN kura(i) dark  Ref. 暗 [dark]
musume daughter  Ref. 娘 [daughter]
  Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
CHŪ hiru noon  Ref. 昼 [daytime]
KETSU ki(meru) to decide  Ref. 決 [decide]
SHIN fuka(i, maru, meru) deep  Ref. 深 [deep]
DO TO TAKU [level of] suffix  Ref. 度 [degree|times]
todo(keru) deliver  Ref. 届 [deliver]
KI (→ 几) tsukue desk   Ref. 机 [desk]
SHI shi(nu|ni) die  Ref. 死 [die]
BŌ na(i|ki) to die  Ref. 亡 [die]
NAN kata(i) muzuka(shii) difficult  Ref. 難 [difficult]
HŌ kata gata direction | way | square | side  Ref. 方 [direction]
O kega(-) yogo(-) kitana(i)  Ref. 汚 [dirty]
GI (→ 義) to discuss  Ref. 議 [discuss]
SŌ araso(u) dispute | contest | conflict | quarrel  Ref. 争 [dispute]
HAI kuba(ru) distribute | deliver  Ref. 配 [distribute]
KEN inu dog  Ref. 犬 [dog]
do door  Ref. 戸 [door]
KA GE shita sa() kuda() o() down | below, under  Ref. 下 [down]
GEKI play | theatrical performance  Ref. 劇 [drama]
BYŌ (→ 苗) ega(ku) ka(ku) to draw  Ref. 描 [draw]
ZU TO haka(ru) plan | diagram | map  Ref. 図 [drawing]
IN no(mu|mi) drink  Ref. 飲 [drink]
KAKU each | every | all  Ref. 各 [each]
JI mimi ear  Ref. 耳 [ear]
SŌ SAッ haya(i|maru|meru) early | quick   Ref. 早 [early]
CHI JI ground | the earth  Ref. 地 [earth]
TŌ higashi east, eastern  Ref. 東 [east]
EKI I yasa(shii) yasu(i) (1) easy | (2) trade  Ref. 易 [easy]
BEN effort =Fr. s'efforcer à ...   Ref. 勉 [effort]
RAN tamago egg | roe  Ref. 卵 [egg]
GA ware wa() ego  Ref. 我 [ego]
DEN electricity  Ref. 電 [electricity]
HATSU start | emit | publish  Ref. 発 [emit|start]
JŌ SEI (→ 青) nasa(ke)  Ref. 情 [emotion]
SHOKU () employment | position  Ref. 職 [employment]
SHŪ o(waru) to end | to finish  Ref. 終 [end]
KI (→ 己)  Ref. 紀 [era]
EI naga() eternal  Ref. 永 [eternal]
SEKI yū dusk | evening  Ref. 夕 [evening]
BAN evening  Ref. 晩 [evening]
MAI -goto(ni) every, each  Ref. 毎 [every]
  Ref. 交 [exchange]
KAN ka(eru|waru) to exchange  Ref. 換 [exchange]
MEN exemption | excuse  Ref. 免 [exempt]
REN ne(ru) to refine | to exercise | to train | to practice  Ref. 練 [exercise]
SETSU explain  Ref. 説 [explain]
SETSU opinion | point of view  Ref. 説 [explain]
SETSU story  Ref. 説 [explain]
TEI (→ 呈) hodo extent | degree  Ref. 程 [extent]
MOKU me eye  Ref. 目 [eye]
TAI facing | opposed to   Ref. 対 [face to face]
MEN omo face  Ref. 面 [face]
SHITSU ushina(u)  Ref. 失 [fail]
SHIN ne(ru|kasu) go to bed | fall asleep  Ref. 寝 [fall asleep]
EN (→ 袁) ON tō(i) far | distant | remote  Ref. 遠 [far]
SOKU (→ 束) haya(meru)  Ref. 速 [fast]
FU chichi   Ref. 父 [father]
KEI E favor  Ref. 恵 [favor]
KŌ kono(mu) su(ku) favorite  Ref. 好 [favorite]
EN banquet  Ref. 宴 [feast]
RYŌ fee  Ref. 料 [fee]
SHŌ (→ 小) suku suko little  Ref. 少 [few]
YA no  Ref. 野 [field]
respect, devotion towards parents  Ref. 孝 [filial respect]
SEI (→ 青) ha(re|reru) fine weather  Ref. 晴 [fine weather]
SHU to(ru) take | pick | gather  Ref. 火 [fire]
GYO uo sakana fish  Ref. 魚 [fish]
HEI tai(ra) hira flat | calm  Ref. 平 [flat]
RYŪ RU naga(reru|su) flow | current  Ref. 流 [flow]
KA hana flower  Ref. 花 [flower]
HI to(bu|basu) to fly  Ref. 飛 [fly]
to follow  Ref. 従 [follow]
TO "be in step with"  Ref. 徒 [follower]
SHOKU [JIKI] ta(beru) ku(u) to eat | food  Ref. 食 [food]
SOKU ashi  Ref. 足 [foot]
RIN hayashi grove | forest  Ref. 林 [forest]
BŌ (→ 亡) wasu(reru) to forget  Ref. 忘 [forget]
KO (→ 古) yue old |former  Ref. 故 [former]
SEN fresh  Ref. 鮮 [fresh]
YŪ tomo friend  Ref. 友 [friend]
KA ha(tasu|teru) fruit | result | effect  Ref. 果 [fruit]
MAN mi(chiru)  Ref. 満 [full]
EN (→ 袁) garden  Ref. 園 [garden]
I koromo garment | gown  Ref. 衣 [garment]
SEI (→ 生) family name | sex | gender  Ref. 性 [gender]
SHI soldier | scholar | profession suffix  Ref. 士 [gentleman]
JU u(ke|keru|karu) receive | accept | take  Ref. 受 [get]
KAI mawa(ru|su) to go around   Ref. 回 [go around]
KAI go between | mediate  Ref. 介 [go between]
Ō (→ 王) go on | proceed  Ref. 往 [go on]
GYAKU saka  Ref. 逆 [go the other way]
KŌ GYŌ i(ku) to go  Ref. 行 [go]
SHIN kami god | spirit | divine  Ref. 神 [god | divine]
KIN KON kane gold | metal | money  Ref. 金 [gold]
FUKU(→ 畐) good fortune  Ref. 福 [good fortune]
RYŌ yo(i) i(i)  Ref. 良 [good]
KAN government | official | officer  Ref. 官 [government]
RYOKU ROKU midori green  Ref. 緑 [green]
GEI muka(eru) greet | welcome | meet  Ref. 迎 [greet]
miga(ku) to polish  Ref. 磨 [grind]
TAI group of people | party | company  Ref. 隊 [group of people]
KYAKU (→ 各) guest  Ref. 客 [guest]
MŌ ke hair | fur |feather  Ref. 毛 [hair]
HAN naka(ba) half  Ref. 半 [half]
hall | public place   Ref. 堂 [hall]
TEI halt  Ref. 停 [halt]
JU (→ 受) hand over  Ref. 授 [hand over]
JU (→ 受) teach | instruct  Ref. 授 [hand over]
SHU te hand  Ref. 手 [hand]
SUI ta(reru|rasu) hang down | dangle  Ref. 垂 [hang]
KŌ saiwa(i) good fortune | happiness  Ref. 幸 [happiness]
TŌ (→ 豆) ZU atama head  Ref. 頭 [head]
SHU kubi head | neck  Ref. 首 [head]
BUN MON ki(ku/koeru) to hear  Ref. 聞 [hear]
SHIN kokoro heart  Ref. 心 [heart]
TEN ame heaven | weather  Ref. 天 [heaven]
JŪ CHŌ omo(i) kasa(neru) -e heavy  Ref. 重 [heavy]
HI (→ 皮) kare kano  Ref. 彼 [he|she]
KŌ taka(i) high  Ref. 高 [high]
SHŌ (→ 章) hindrance | something in the way  Ref. 障 [hinder]
SHI  Ref. 史 [history]
TŌ a(taru|tari) to hit | strike  Ref. 当 [hit]
JI (→ 寺) mo(tsu) -mo(chi) to hold  Ref. 持 [hold]
KETSU ana hole  Ref. 穴 [hole]
TAKU (→ 乇) home  Ref. 宅 [home]
GO on  Ref. 御 [honorific]
sama Mr., Ms., Miss, etc.   Ref. 様 [honorific]
SHI uji  Ref. 氏 [honorific]
KUN kimi -gimi lord  Ref. 君 [honorific]
SHI master | member of a profession  Ref. 師 [honorific]
BA uma horse  Ref. 馬 [horse]
SHO atsu(i) summer heat | hot  Ref. 暑 [hot]
KA KE ie ya uchi house | family  Ref. 家 [house]
KI iku(tsu|ra) how many, how much | several, some   Ref. 幾 [how much|many]
HYAKU hundred  Ref. 百 [hundred]
FU FŪ BU otto mind  Ref. 夫 [husband]
Identification number | edition number  Ref. 号 [id number]
KYŌ tomo -domo in common  Ref. 共 [in common]
NYŪ i(reru) hai(ru) enter | put in  Ref. 入 [in]
ZŌ fu(eru|yasu) increase  Ref. 増 [increase]
YŌ i(ru) (1) important (2) indispensable  Ref. 要 [indispensable]
HŌ muku(iru|u) inform  Ref. 報 [information]
TEI inn | restaurant  Ref. 亭 [inn]
KON insect  Ref. 昆 [insect]
CHŪ mushi insect  Ref. 虫 [insect]
NAI uchi inside  Ref. 内 [inside]
YAKU wake translate | interpret  Ref. 訳 [interpret]
KAN KEN aida ma mind  Ref. 間 [interval]
SHŌ (→ 召) to introduce  Ref. 紹 [introduction]
KYŪ (→ 九) kiwa(meru) investigate  Ref. 究 [investigate]
CHŌ shira(beru) investigate | examine | check  Ref. 調 [investigate]
SHŌ (→ 召) mane(ku) to invite  Ref. 招 [invite]
TETSU iron  Ref. 鉄 [iron]
YA nari equivalent to で ある   Ref. 也 [is]
GYOKU tama gem | pearl | ball | egg  Ref. 玉 [jewel]
GI just | justice  Ref. 義 [just]
GI meaning  Ref. 義 [just]
YO azu(karu|keru) keeping  Ref. 預 [keeping]
Ō monarch  Ref. 王 [king]
CHI shi(ru, raseru, reru) to know  Ref. 知 [know]
hard work | manual labor  Ref. 労 [labor]
GO (→ 五|吾) kata(ru, rau)  Ref. 語 [language]
SHŪ mawa(ri) lap, go around | circumference | circuit, circle  Ref. 周 [lap]
SAKU (→ 乍) yesterday, past | last  Ref. 昨 [last]
CHI oku(reru, rasu) oso(i) late  Ref. 遅 [late]
RITSU law | rhythm  Ref. 律 [law]
EN lead  Ref. 鉛 [lead]
YŌ ha leaf  Ref. 葉 [leaf]
SHŪ nara(u|i) to learn  Ref. 習 [learn]
SA hidari left  Ref. 左 [left]
TAI (→ 代) ka(su) kashi- to lend  Ref. 貸 [lend]
KA (→ 果) Company department | Lesson or school work  Ref. 課 [lesson]
SEI SHŌ i(kiru) u(mu|mareru) ha(eru) life   Ref. 生 [life]
KŌ hika(-) light | shine  Ref. 光 [light]
KEI karu(i) light  Ref. 軽 [light]
GEN kagi(ru|ri) limit  Ref. 限 [limit]
SEN (→ 泉) line | wire, cable  Ref. 線 [line]
JŪ su(mu) to live  Ref. 住 [live]
CHŌ naga(i) long  Ref. 長 [long]
(1) looks | appearance (2) contain  Ref. 容 [looks]
HAI yabu(reru) be defeated | lose | fail  Ref. 敗 [lose]
AI  Ref. 愛 [love]
REN ko(u) koi  Ref. 恋 [love]
TEI (→ 氐) hiku(i) low  Ref. 低 [low]
KICHI KITSU yoshi lucky  Ref. 吉 [lucky]
KI (→ 幾) machine | aircraft | opportunity  Ref. 機 [machine]
mail | stagecoach stop   Ref. 郵 [mail]
SAKU (→ 乍) SA tsuku(ru|ri) make  Ref. 作 [make]
DAN NAN otoko man | male   Ref. 男 [man]
EI itona(mu) manage | administer  Ref. 営 [manage]
SHU main | master  Ref. 主 [master]
SHI (→ 厶) watakushi watashi I, myself | private  Ref. 私 [me]
HAN(→ 反) meshi  Ref. 飯 [meal]
SHAKU measure   Ref. 尺 [measure]
KEI haka(ru) haka(rau) plan  Ref. 計 [measure]
KAI machine | mechanism | contraption  Ref. 械 [mechanism]
I medicine | doctor  Ref. 医 [medical]
YAKU kusuri medicine | chemicals  Ref. 薬 [medicine]
KAI E a(u) to meet  Ref. 会 [meet]
IN member, employee  Ref. 員 [member]
CHO mental state  Ref. 緒 [mental state]
SHIN message | signal | news   Ref. 信 [message]
law | method  Ref. 法 [method]
TO TSU miyako metropolis  Ref. 都 [metropolis]
GO ware waga- a- used as pronoun I, we | you  Ref. 吾 [me|us]
CHŪ naka middle   Ref. 中 [middle]
I mind  Ref. 意 [mind]
SHŌ aspect | state  Ref. 相 [minister++]
KETSU ka(|keru|ku) lack of  Ref. 欠 [missing]
way of doing | manner | condition  Ref. 様 [mode]
KAKU (→ 各) KŌ norm | standard  Ref. 格 [model]
KOKU kiza(mu) engrave  Ref. 刻 [moment]
KOKU point of time  Ref. 刻 [moment]
GETSU GATSU tsuki moon | month  Ref. 月 [month]
CHŌ asa morning | dynasty  Ref. 朝 [morning]
SAI most | extreme  Ref. 最 [most]
BO haha mother   Ref. 母 [mother]
SAN yama mountain  Ref. 山 [mountain]
KŌ KU kuchi mouth  Ref. 口 [mouth]
DŌ ugo(ku|kasu) move | set in motion  Ref. 動 [move]
I utsu(ru|su) move | transfer  Ref. 移 [move]
MEI MYŌ na name  Ref. 名 [name]
KŌ (→ 亢) navigation | flight | cruise  Ref. 航 [navigation]
KIN (→ 斤) chika(i) near | recent  Ref. 近 [near]
HEN ata(ri) -be [nearby area] → vicinity | neighborhood | side  Ref. 辺 [nearby area]
net | crown radical  Ref. 网 [net]
SHIN (→ 亲) atara(shii) new  Ref. 新 [new]
BŌ soba next to   Ref. 傍 [next to]
JI SHI tsu(gu) next  Ref. 次 [next | vice]
MYŌ a() next (day|year)  Ref. 明 [next]
YA yo yoru night  Ref. 夜 [night]
GO noon | sign of the horse  Ref. 午 [noon]
HOKU kita North | northern  Ref. 北 [north]
BI hana nose  Ref. 鼻 [nose]
MI ima(da) ma(da) not yet   Ref. 未 [not yet]
KON KIN ima now | this  Ref. 今 [now|this]
GYŌ GŌ occupation | profession | line of business  Ref. 業 [occupation]
KAI umi sea | ocean  Ref. 海 [ocean]
YŌ(→ 羊) the ocean | the Occident   Ref. 洋 [ocean]
KYŌ (→ 共) KU sona(eru) tomo -domo to offer  Ref. 供 [offer]
TEI sage(ru) present  Ref. 提 [offer]
RI public employee | official | officer  Ref. 吏 [official]
KO furu(i) old  Ref. 古 [old]
RŌ o(iru) old  Ref. 老 [old]
KAI hira(ku) a(ku|keru) to open  Ref. 開 [open]
BAN suffix for ordinal number  Ref. 番 [order suffix]
JUN order | turn  Ref. 順 [order]
SHUTSU da[su] de[ru] to leave | to go out  Ref. 出 [out]
GAI GE soto hoka hazu(reru, su) outside  Ref. 外 [outside]
SHI (→ 氏) kami  Ref. 紙 [paper]
SHIN (→ 亲) oya parent | father, mother  Ref. 親 [parent]
TSŪ TSU tō(ri|ru) to pass  Ref. 通 [pass by]
KYO KO sa(ru) gone, past  Ref. 去 [past]
KEI diameter | path  Ref. 径 [path]
WA peace | Japanese  Ref. 和 [peace]
MIN tami  Ref. 民 [people]
SEI SE (1) age | period (2) world   Ref. 世 [period]
JIN NIN hito  Ref. 人 [person]
GA KAKU  Ref. 画 [picture]
KAI(→ 会) E picture | painting | drawing  Ref. 絵 [picture]
BUN FUN BU wa(karu|...) divide | part | minute  Ref. 分 [piece]
SHŌ matsu pine tree  Ref. 松 [pine]
JŌ ba place   Ref. 場 [place]
SHO tokoro dokoro place  Ref. 所 [place]
GEN hara   Ref. 原 [plain]
YŪ YU aso(bu|basu) to play  Ref. 遊 [play]
GAKU RAKU tano(shii) music | pleasure | confort  Ref. 楽 [pleasure]
CHI ike pond  Ref. 池 [pond]
KŌ minato port | harbor  Ref. 港 [port]
NIN maka(seru|su) responsibility | duties | position | post  Ref. 任 [post]
CHŪ  Ref. 注 [pour]
SEI(→ 埶) power   Ref. 勢 [power]
YO similar to prefix "pre-"  Ref. 予 [pre-]
RI ki(ku) plus | advantage | profit  Ref. 利 [profit]
YAKU promise | contract  Ref. 約 [promise]
AN (→ 安) to plan | to devise  Ref. 案 [proposal]
SHŌ proof  Ref. 証 [prove]
public   Ref. 公 [public]
IN hi(ku|ki) to draw  Ref. 引 [pull]
SHITSU what's made of | quality | matter  Ref. 質 [quality]
MON (→ 門) to(u|i) question  Ref. 問 [question]
SEI (→ 青) JŌ shizu(-|ka)  Ref. 静 [quiet]
U ame [ama] rain  Ref. 雨 [rain]
YŌ (→ 羊) yashina(u) bring up | raise | care for  Ref. 養 [raise]
I kurai rank | position | place  Ref. 位 [rank]
SHI ita(ru) arrive at  Ref. 至 [reach]
KYŪ oyo(bu|bi) come up to ...  Ref. 及 [reach]
TŌ ita(ru) arrive at  Ref. 到 [reach]
DOKU TOKU TŌ yo(mu|mi) to read  Ref. 読 [read]
JITSU mi mino(ru) real | actual | true  Ref. 実 [real]
ROKU record | write down | register  Ref. 録 [record]
SEKI SHAKU aka(i)  Ref. 赤 [red]
EI (→ 央 ?) utsu(ru, su) ha(eru) reflect   Ref. 映 [reflect]
KI regulation | rule | standard  Ref. 規 [regulate]
SAI (→ 斉) SEI su relief =Fr. soulagement   Ref. 済 [relief]
KAKU obo(eru)  Ref. 覚 [remember]
JO JI nozo(ku) remove | clear away  Ref. 除 [remove]
KŌ sara replace | change  Ref. 更 [renew]
HITSU kanara(zu) required | necessary | must have  Ref. 必 [required]
KEN to(gu)  Ref. 研 [research]
KYŪ yasu(mu|maru|meru) to rest  Ref. 休 [rest]
FUKU return | repeat  Ref. 復 [restore | return to]
TAI shirizo(ku|keru) retreat  Ref. 退 [retreat]
KI kae(ru, su) to return home  Ref. 帰 [return home]
DEN ta rice field  Ref. 田 [rice field]
BEI MAI kome (1) rice (2) America  Ref. 米 [rice]
FU FŪ to(mu) rich | wealthy  Ref. 富 [rich]
JŌ no[ru], no[seru] to ride | get on  Ref. 乗 [ride]
U YŪ migi right  Ref. 右 [right]
KI (→ 己) o(kiru|kosu) to rise | to wake up  Ref. 起 [rise]
SEN kawa river  Ref. 川 [river]
RO -ji michi road | electric circuit  Ref. 路 [road]
DŌ TŌ michi way | path | road  Ref. 道 [road]
OKU ya roof | house | small shop  Ref. 屋 [roof]
SHITSU muro room  Ref. 室 [room]
RETSU row | file | column  Ref. 列 [row]
SOKU rule | law  Ref. 則 [rule]
SŌ hashi(ru) run  Ref. 走 [run]
RUI kind | sort | category and more  Ref. 類 [same sort]
GEN i(u) koto say | talk  Ref. 言 [say]
UN i(u) to say  Ref. 云 [say]
KŌ (→ 交) KYŌ school  Ref. 校 [school]
GAKU educational institution   Ref. 学 [school]
TAN sagu(ru) saga(su) search  Ref. 探 [search]
KI season   Ref. 季 [season]
SEKI seat | one's place  Ref. 席 [seat]
ZA suwa(ru) seat | status | position  Ref. 座 [seat]
MITSU dense | secret  Ref. 密 [secrecy]
HI hi(meru) secret | hidden | mysterious  Ref. 秘 [secret]
BU part | section | area  Ref. 部 [section]
KEN mi[ru|seru] to see  Ref. 見 [see]
KYŪ moto(meru) go in search of | seek | wish for  Ref. 求 [seek]
JI SHI self, oneself  Ref. 自 [self]
BAI u(ru|reru) to sell   Ref. 売 [sell]
SŌ oku(ru) send  Ref. 送 [send]
SHI (→ 士) tsuka(eru) do | be on state service  Ref. 仕 [serve]
BEN convenient | convenience | service  Ref. 便 [service]
KEI GYŌ kata gata shape | form  Ref. 形 [shape]
YŌ hitsuji sheep  Ref. 羊 [sheep]
kai shell  Ref. 貝 [shell]
TEN mise shop | stall   Ref. 店 [shop]
GAN kishi shore | coast | edge of the water | river bank  Ref. 岸 [shore]
TAN mijika(i) short  Ref. 短 [short]
JI SHI shime(su) to show | to display | to indicate  Ref. 示 [show]
SOKU (→ 則) kawa side  Ref. 側 [side]
GIN silver  Ref. 銀 [silver]
KA uta(u) song  Ref. 歌 [sing]
TAN single  Ref. 単 [single]
GI waza skill  Ref. 技 [skill]
HI kawa skin  Ref. 皮 [skin]
KŪ sora a(ku|keru) kara (1) sky | space (2) empty  Ref. 空 [sky]
MIN (→ 民) nemu(ru)  Ref. 眠 [sleep]
SHŌ chii(sai) ko- o- small | less  Ref. 小 [small]
KYŪ (→ 及) su(u) to suck | to inhale | to smoke  Ref. 吸 [smoke]
SETSU yuki snow  Ref. 雪 [snow]
HEI HYŌ soldier  Ref. 兵 [soldier]
SHA mono someone  Ref. 者 [someone]
ON oto ne sound | noise  Ref. 音 [sound]
SEN izumi [water] spring | fountain  Ref. 泉 [source]
NAN NA minami south  Ref. 南 [south]
BEN speech  Ref. 弁 [speech]
SHIN kara   Ref. 辛 [spicy]
RITSU RYŪ ta(tsu) to stand up  Ref. 立 [stand]
DAI TAI stand | podium | stage →  Ref. 台 [stand]
TEN standard reference | law | canon  Ref. 典 [standard]
SEI (→ 生) SHŌ hoshi  Ref. 星 [star]
EKI railway station  Ref. 駅 [station]
SEKI SHAKU KOKU ishi stone | rock  Ref. 石 [stone]
SHI to() do() ya() to stop  Ref. 止 [stop]
JŌ otto mind  Ref. 丈 [stout]
CHOKU JIKI nao(su|ru|ki) straight | upright   Ref. 直 [straight]
RYOKU RIKI chikara power | strength  Ref. 力 [strength]
CHŌ (→ 長) ha(ru) to stretch | to expand  Ref. 張 [stretch]
KYŌ GŌ tsuyo(i) (1) strong, mighty (2) hard, tough  Ref. 強 [strong]
RYŌ stuff | material, ingredient   Ref. 料 [stuff]
RYŌ fee  Ref. 料 [stuff]
DAI TAI ka(waru|eru) yo (1) substitute | replace (2) age | era  Ref. 代 [substitute]
KŌ (→ 交) suburb  Ref. 郊 [suburb]
KA GE natsu summer  Ref. 夏 [summer]
YŌ(→ 昜) sun  Ref. 陽 [sun]
KYŪ supply | pay   Ref. 給 [supply]
KON (→ 昆) ma(jiru) mix | blend | confuse  Ref. 混 [swarm]
SŌ ha(ku) sweep  Ref. 掃 [sweep]
EI (→ 永) oyo() to swim  Ref. 泳 [swim]
TŌ katana sword | knife  Ref. 刀 [sword]
FU (→ 付) tsu(|) symbol | mark | tag  Ref. 符 [tag|symbol]
SHU to(ru) take | pick | gather  Ref. 取 [take]
SAI cleverness | person of talent  Ref. 才 [talent]
WA hana(su|shi) to talk  Ref. 話 [talk]
FUN magi(|re|reru) confused | tangled  Ref. 紛 [tangled]
MI (→ 未) aji(wau) taste | flavor  Ref. 味 [taste]
CHA SA tea  Ref. 茶 [tea]
KYŌ oshi(eru) oso(waru) to teach  Ref. 教 [teach]
JI tera buddhist temple  Ref. 寺 [temple]
MAN BAN ten thousand  Ref. 万 [ten thousand]
GEN GAN moto "what is at the origin"  Ref. 元 [the first]
JI ZU koto abstract thing | event  Ref. 事 [thing]
BUTSU (→ 勿) MOTSU mono thing | object  Ref. 物 [thing]
KŌ kanga(eru) to think of | to consider  Ref. 考 [think of]
SHI omo(i|u) think | wish, want  Ref. 思 [think]
SEN chi thousand  Ref. 千 [thousand]
SHA (→ 舍) su(teru) to discard | throw away | abandon  Ref. 捨 [throw away]
KO tora tiger  Ref. 虎 [tiger]
JI (→ 寺) toki time | hour  Ref. 時 [time]
HI (→ 皮) tsuka(reru) to get tired  Ref. 疲 [tired]
TEI JŌ sada(meru|maru) to set | to fix | to arrange  Ref. 定 [to set]
SHO CHO early stage of something  Ref. 緒 [together]
GU tool | equipment | utensil  Ref. 具 [tool]
SHI ha tooth  Ref. 歯 [tooth]
CHŌ top[of the head]  Ref. 頂 [top]
CHŌ (→ 丁) machi town   Ref. 町 [town]
BŌ (→ 卯) trade | buy and sell | exchange  Ref. 貿 [trade]
AN yasu(i) tranquil | calm  Ref. 安 [tranquil]
DEN tsuta(-) tsuda(-) to pass to | transmit  Ref. 伝 [transmit]
YU transport  Ref. 輸 [transport]
UN hako(bu) (1) move | carry | transport (2) luck  Ref. 運 [transport]
RYO tabi journey, trip   Ref. 旅 [travel]
ZOKU tribe | race | family related people  Ref. 族 [tribe]
SHIN ma true  Ref. 真 [true]
KAN miki trunk of a tree | main part  Ref. 幹 [trunk]
SHI kokoro(miru) try | attempt | test  Ref. 試 [try]
SHŌ (→ 肖) kie(ru) ke(su) extinguish | turn off | consume  Ref. 消 [turn off]
KŌ mu other | opposite direction  Ref. 向 [turn toward]
TEN koro(bu) turn over | turn around  Ref. 転 [turn]
FU BU un- | counter for cups | wine glasses  Ref. 不 [un-]
SHUKU father younger sibling  Ref. 叔 [uncle|aunt]
KITSU made until  Ref. 迄 [until]
JŌ SHŌ ue a(-) nobo(-) up | above  Ref. 上 [up]
SHI tsuka(u|i)  Ref. 使 [use]
YŌ mochi(iru) used for | service  Ref. 用 [use]
KOKU tani valley | gorge | ravine  Ref. 谷 [valley]
SHA kuruma wheel | cart | vehicle   Ref. 車 [vehicle]
TAI TA futo(i) (1) big | thick |enormous (2) great  Ref. 太 [very big]
SON (→ 寸) mura village  Ref. 村 [village]
TAI ma(tsu) to wait  Ref. 待 [wait]
HO BU FU aru(ku) to walk  Ref. 歩 [walk]
YOKU ho(shii) desire | greed  Ref. 欲 [want]
SEN ikusa war | battle  Ref. 戦 [warfare]
ON atata(ka|kai|maru|meru) warm (food|...)  Ref. 温 [warm]
DAN atata(ka|kai) warm (weather|...)  Ref. 暖 [warm]
HA nami wave  Ref. 波 [wave]
JAKU yowa(i|ru|maru) weak  Ref. 弱 [weak]
SHŪ (→ 周) week   Ref. 週 [week]
SEI SAI nishi west | western  Ref. 西 [west]
KA (→ 可) nan nani- what | how many  Ref. 何 [what]
HAKU BYAKU shiro(i) white  Ref. 白 [white]
ZEN matta(ku) sube(te) whole | entire | total  Ref. 全 [whole]
KŌ hiro(i) wide  Ref. 広 [wide]
SAI tsuma wife  Ref. 妻 [wife]
FŪ kaze wind | manner  Ref. 風 [wind]
SŌ mado pane  Ref. 窓 [window]
TŌ fuyu winter  Ref. 冬 [winter]
YŪ U a(ru)   Ref. 有 [with]
JO NYO NYŌ onna  Ref. 女 [woman]
FU adult woman  Ref. 婦 [woman]
JI ya(meru) (1) word (2) quit | resign  Ref. 辞 [word]
MU (→ 矛) tsuto(meru) task  Ref. 務 [work duties]
DŌ (→ 動) hatara(ku) to work  Ref. 働 [work]
KIN tsuto(maru|meru) duty | service | work  Ref. 勤 [work]
KAI (→ 介)  Ref. 界 [world]
KI (→ 己) shiru(su) written account | write down  Ref. 記 [write down]
SHO ka(ku) to write  Ref. 書 [write]
BUN MON  Ref. 文 [writings]
NEN toshi year  Ref. 年 [year]
KŌ Ō ki yellow  Ref. 黃 [yellow]
JAKU NYAKU waka(i) young | → low  Ref. 若 [young]
BŌ u zodiac: sign of the hare  Ref. 卯 [zodiac:The Hare]