--- Lexique
兄弟 kyōdai brother(s) 弟 [(younger) brother]  Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
ani own elder brother   Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
お兄さん oniisan somebody's elder brother   Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
長兄 chōkei big brother   Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
従兄 jūkei | itoko older cousin 従 [follow]  Ref. 兄 [(elder) brother]
ane big sister | elder sister   Ref. 姉 [(elder) sister]
姉妹 shimai sister(s) 妹 [(younger) sister]  Ref. 姉 [(elder) sister]
otōto own younger brother   Ref. 弟 [(younger) brother]
弟さん otōtosan somebody's younger brother   Ref. 弟 [(younger) brother]
従弟 itoko younger cousin   Ref. 弟 [(younger) brother]
imōto young sister   Ref. 妹 [(younger) sister]
a Asia   Ref. 亜 [-a]
亜米利加 amerika America   Ref. 亜 [-a]
mu = "without | -less" prefix   Ref. 無 [-less]
無名 mumei anonymous | unknown   Ref. 無 [-less]
無言 mugon silent | mute   Ref. 無 [-less]
-達 -tachi "plural" suffix   Ref. 達 [-plural]
私達 watashitachi|watakushitachi we   Ref. 達 [-plural]
動物達 dōbutsutachi animals 物 [thing]  Ref. 達 [-plural]
以上 ijō what's above | what's more   Ref. 以 [-pointer]
以下 ika what's less   Ref. 以 [-pointer]
以前 izen what's before   Ref. 以 [-pointer]
以後 igo what's after | what's follows   Ref. 以 [-pointer]
以東 itō East of   Ref. 以 [-pointer]
仏文学 futsubungaku French literature   Ref. 仏 [Buddha|France]
仏英辞典 futsueijiten French-English dictionary   Ref. 仏 [Buddha|France]
英国 eikoku Great Britain 国 [country]  Ref. 英 [England]
多い です ōi desu that's a lot!   Ref. 多 [a lot]
多く の 人 ōku no hito a lot of people   Ref. 多 [a lot]
たくさん[の] takusan [no] a lot [of]   Ref. 多 [a lot]
横断 ōdan crossing   Ref. 横 [across]
横断歩道 ōdan hodō crosswalk   Ref. 横 [across]
現代(の) gendai(no) present age | modern times   Ref. 現 [actual]
経世 keisei administration 世 [period]  Ref. 経 [administer]
経済 keizai economy   Ref. 経 [administer]
経営 keiei management 営 [manage]  Ref. 経 [administer]
机の後ろに tsukue no ushiro ni behind the desk | in the back of the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 後 [after]
後で ato de afterward   Ref. 後 [after]
午後 gogo afternoon 午 [noon]  Ref. 後 [after]
明後日 asatte day after tomorrow   Ref. 後 [after]
先生 sensei teacher | master   Ref. 先 [ahead]
先日 senjitsu the other day   Ref. 先 [ahead]
先月 sengetsu last month   Ref. 先 [ahead]
気力 kiryoku mental energy | vitality   Ref. 気 [air]
多額 tagaku large amount   Ref. 額 [amount]
金額 kingaku sum of money   Ref. 額 [amount]
分析 bunseki analysis   Ref. 析 [analyze]
祖父 sofu grandfather   Ref. 祖 [ancestor]
祖母 sobo grandmother   Ref. 祖 [ancestor]
祖国 sokoku native country   Ref. 祖 [ancestor]
回答 kaitō reply | answer   Ref. 答 [answer]
han = "anti-" prefix   Ref. 反 [anti-]
反逆 hangyaku revolt | rebellion   Ref. 反 [anti-]
反戦 hansen antiwar 戦 [warfare]  Ref. 反 [anti-]
反米 hanbei anti-America 米 [rice]  Ref. 反 [anti-]
gun army   Ref. 軍 [army]
軍隊 guntai army 隊 [group of people]  Ref. 軍 [army]
海軍 kaigun navy   Ref. 軍 [army]
空軍 kūgun air force   Ref. 軍 [army]
到着 tōchaku arrival 到 [reach]  Ref. 着 [arrive]
着駅 chakueki destination [station]   Ref. 着 [arrive]
着地 chakuchi landing   Ref. 着 [arrive]
毒矢 dokuya poisoned dart   Ref. 矢 [arrow]
伝達 dentatsu communication   Ref. 達 [attain]
背部 haibu the back   Ref. 背 [back]
背の高い人 se no takai jin a tall person   Ref. 背 [back]
背の低い人 se no hikui jin a short | small person   Ref. 背 [back]
もっと悪い mottowarui worse   Ref. 悪 [bad]
最悪 saiaku the worst   Ref. 悪 [bad]
悪人 akunin bad person   Ref. 悪 [bad]
荷物 nimotsu baggage   Ref. 荷 [baggage]
手荷物 tenimotsu hand baggage   Ref. 荷 [baggage]
球体 kyūtai sphere 体 [body]   Ref. 球 [ball]
電球 denkyū light ball   Ref. 球 [ball]
野球 yakyū baseball 野 [field]   Ref. 球 [ball]
日光浴 nikkōyoku sunbathing 光 [light]   Ref. 浴 [bathe]
違う chigau That's not true!   Ref. 違 [be different]
浜辺 hamabe beach 辺 [nearby area]  Ref. 浜 [beach]
横浜 yokohama Yokohama 横 [across]  Ref. 浜 [beach]
[aj] 美しい utsukushii beautiful | good-looking   Ref. 美 [beautiful]
理由 riyū reason | cause 理 [cause]  Ref. 由 [because of]
事由 jiyū reason | cause 事 [thing]  Ref. 由 [because of]
自由 jiyū freedom | liberty   Ref. 由 [because of]
机の前に tsukue no mae ni in front of the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 前 [before]
前に mae ni before   Ref. 前 [before]
午前8時 gozen hachiji 8:00 AM   Ref. 前 [before]
二年 前に ninen mae ni two years ago   Ref. 前 [before]
前日 zenjitsu the day before   Ref. 前 [before]
この 前の 日曜日に kono mae no nichiyōbi ni last Sunday 。曜日 (counter)   Ref. 前 [before]
zen = "ex-" prefix   Ref. 前 [before]
前夫 zenbu ex-husband   Ref. 前 [before]
自信 jishin self-confidence   Ref. 信 [believe]
大きさ ōkisa size   Ref. 大 [big]
大勢[の] ōzei[no] a lot of | many 勢 [power]   Ref. 大 [big]
大学 daigaku college | university   Ref. 大 [big]
tori bird   Ref. 鳥 [bird]
tori poultry | chicken meat   Ref. 鳥 [bird]
小鳥 kotori small bird   Ref. 鳥 [bird]
野鳥 yachō wild bird 野 [field]  Ref. 鳥 [bird]
白鳥 hakuchō swan 白 [white]  Ref. 鳥 [bird]
黒海 kokkai the Black Sea   Ref. 黒 [black]
採取 saishu harvesting | collecting   Ref. 吹 [blow]
青木 aoki Aoki   Ref. 青 [blue]
黒板 kokuban blackboard 黒 [black]  Ref. 板 [board]
小舟 kobune small craft   Ref. 舟 [boat]
舟人 funabito sailor   Ref. 舟 [boat]
karada body   Ref. 体 [body]
体力 tairyoku body strength   Ref. 体 [body]
体重 taijū body weight   Ref. 体 [body]
車体 shatai chassis   Ref. 体 [body]
hon book   Ref. 本 [book]
本屋 hon'ya bookstore   Ref. 本 [book]
折り紙 origami folded paper 紙 [paper]  Ref. 折 [break]
破約 hayaku breach of contact   Ref. 破 [break]
明るい akarui bright   Ref. 明 [bright]
明月 meigetsu bright moon | full moon   Ref. 明 [bright]
未明 mimei early dawn   Ref. 明 [bright]
夜明け yoake dawn, daybreak 夜 [night]  Ref. 明 [bright]
みそ汁 misoshiru miso soup   Ref. 汁 [broth | juice]
果汁 kajū fruit juice   Ref. 汁 [broth | juice]
毛筆 mōhitsu writing | painting brush   Ref. 筆 [brush]
万年筆 mannenhitsu fountain pen   Ref. 筆 [brush]
筆者 issha writer   Ref. 筆 [brush]
建物 tatemono building 物 [thing]  Ref. 建 [build]
建設 kensetsu construction 設 [construct]  Ref. 建 [build]
会館 kaikan hall   Ref. 館 [building]
図書館 toshokan library   Ref. 館 [building]
美術館 bijutsukan museum of fine arts   Ref. 館 [building]
花束 hanataba bunch of flowers   Ref. 束 [bundle]
約束 yakusoku promise | vow | pledge   Ref. 束 [bundle]
テレビ局 terebikyoku TV station   Ref. 局 [bureau]
郵便局 yūbinkyoku post office 便 [service]  Ref. 局 [bureau]
焼き飯 yakimeshi fried rice   Ref. 焼 [burn]
焼き鳥 yakitori grilled chicken   Ref. 焼 [burn]
買い物 kaimono shopping   Ref. 買 [buy]
買い手 kaite buyer | customer   Ref. 買 [buy]
計算 keisan calculation | count   Ref. 算 [calculate]
計算 する keisan suru (vi) to calculate   Ref. 算 [calculate]
計算機 keisanki computer 機 [machine]  Ref. 算 [calculate]
安泰 antai peace | security | tranquility   Ref. 泰 [calm]
許可 kyoka permission | approval | authorization   Ref. 可 [capable]
京都 kyōto Kyoto 都 [metropolis]  Ref. 京 [capital]
neko cat   Ref. 猫 [cat]
小猫 koneko kitten   Ref. 猫 [cat]
経理 keiri accounting 経 [administer]  Ref. 理 [cause]
中央アジア chūō ajia central Asia   Ref. 央 [center]
変形 henkei transformation 形 [shape]  Ref. 変 [change]
大変 taihen very   Ref. 変 [change]
ji character   Ref. 字 [character]
字引 jibiki dictionary (oldfashioned)   Ref. 字 [character]
首長 shuchō leader 首 [head]  Ref. 長 [chief]
社長 shachō company president 社 [company]  Ref. 長 [chief]
市長 shichō city mayor 市 [city]  Ref. 長 [chief]
駅長 ekichō station master 駅 [station]  Ref. 長 [chief]
機長 kichō captain 機 [machine]  Ref. 長 [chief]
部長 buchō department head 部 [section]  Ref. 長 [chief]
校長 kōchō principal | rector   Ref. 長 [chief]
子供 kodomo child | kid 供 [offer]  Ref. 子 [child]
むすこ [息子] musuko son   Ref. 子 [child]
漢字 kanji chinese character   Ref. 漢 [chinese]
漢語 kango Japanese word of Chinese origin   Ref. 漢 [chinese]
市場 ichiba town market   Ref. 市 [city]
市内 shinai [inner] city 内 [inside]  Ref. 市 [city]
市外 shigai suburbs | city outskirts 外 [outside]  Ref. 市 [city]
登り nobori climbing, ascent   Ref. 登 [climb]
登山 tozan mountain climbing   Ref. 登 [climb]
閉店 heiten closing the shop   Ref. 閉 [close]
kumo cloud   Ref. 雲 [cloud]
寒さ samusa "coldness" | cold   Ref. 寒 [cold]
冷房 reibō air conditioning   Ref. 冷 [cold]
冷蔵庫 reizōko refrigerator   Ref. 冷 [cold]
iro color | hue |shade   Ref. 色 [color]
合計 gōkei sum | total   Ref. 合 [combine]
アメリカ合衆国 amerika gasshūkoku The United States   Ref. 合 [combine]
電車を降りる densha o oriru get off the train   Ref. 降 [come down]
来月 raigetsu next month (=the coming month)   Ref. 来 [come]
来年 rainen next year   Ref. 来 [come]
会社 kaisha company 会 [meet]  Ref. 社 [company]
会社に kaisha ni in the office | at work   Ref. 社 [company]
本社 honsha main office   Ref. 社 [company]
考慮 kōryo consideration | careful thought 考 [think of]  Ref. 慮 [consider]
工場 kōjō factory | workshop 場 [place]  Ref. 工 [construct]
工業 kōgyō industry   Ref. 工 [construct]
設備 setsubi facility | equipment   Ref. 設 [construct]
続き tsuzuki continuation | sequel   Ref. 続 [continue]
与国 yokoku ally   Ref. 与 [contribute]
涼気 ryōki cool air   Ref. 涼 [cool]
写生を する shasei o suru draw a sketch 生 [life]  Ref. 写 [copy]
写真 shashin photograph 真 [true]  Ref. 写 [copy]
書写 shosha transcription 書 [write]  Ref. 写 [copy]
正確な seikaku na exact   Ref. 正 [correct]
正解 seikai correct answer   Ref. 正 [correct]
kuni country   Ref. 国 [country]
国家 kokka [home] nation   Ref. 国 [country]
国会 kokkai National Diet   Ref. 国 [country]
中国 chūgoku China   Ref. 国 [country]
失礼 shitsurei being rude   Ref. 礼 [courtesy]
敬礼 keirei salutation | courtesy bow   Ref. 礼 [courtesy]
ushi cow | bull | ox   Ref. 牛 [cow]
小牛 koushi calf   Ref. 牛 [cow]
牛乳 gyūnyū (cow's) milk   Ref. 牛 [cow]
牛肉 gyūniku beef   Ref. 牛 [cow]
渡航 tokō crossing | voyage [over the ocean]   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
渡米 tobei going to USA   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
渡仏 tofutsu going to France   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
人で いっぱい [一杯] hito de ippai plenty of | full of people   Ref. 杯 [cup]
断言 dangen declaration   Ref. 断 [cut off]
診断 shindan diagnosis   Ref. 断 [cut off]
判断 handan judgment   Ref. 断 [cut off]
切手 kitte stamp   Ref. 切 [cut]
大切[な] taisetsu[na] important   Ref. 切 [cut]
暗い kurai dark   Ref. 暗 [dark]
暗赤色 ansekishoku dark red 色 [color]  Ref. 暗 [dark]
暗記 anki memorizing 記 [write down]  Ref. 暗 [dark]
むすめ [娘] musume daughter   Ref. 娘 [daughter]
月曜日 getsuyōbi Monday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
火曜日 kayōbi Tuesday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
水曜日 suiyōbi Wednesday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
木曜日 mokuyōbi Thursday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
金曜日 kinyōbi Friday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
土曜日 doyōbi Saturday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
日曜日 nichiyōbi Sunday   Ref. 曜 [day of the week]
明日の昼ごろ myōnichi no hiru goro tomorrow around noon   Ref. 昼 [daytime]
昼夜 chūya day and night 夜 [night]  Ref. 昼 [daytime]
決定 kettei decision   Ref. 決 [decide]
深さ fukasa depth   Ref. 深 [deep]
深遠 shin'en depth   Ref. 深 [deep]
深海 shinkai deep ocean   Ref. 深 [deep]
深夜 shin'ya deep | late in the night | midnight   Ref. 深 [deep]
_度 do "level | degree" suffix | #times counter   Ref. 度 [degree|times]
何度 nando How many times | How often   Ref. 度 [degree|times]
毎度 maido everytime | each time | always   Ref. 度 [degree|times]
今度 kondo that time   Ref. 度 [degree|times]
tsukue desk   Ref. 机 [desk]
左方 sahō on the left 左 [left]  Ref. 方 [direction]
右方 uhō on the right 右 [right]  Ref. 方 [direction]
... の方 に ... no hō ni | ... no kata ni in the direction of ...   Ref. 方 [direction]
左の方に hidari no hō ni/kata ni on the left   Ref. 方 [direction]
右の方に migi no hō ni/kata ni on the right   Ref. 方 [direction]
東の方に higashi no hō ni/kata ni in the east   Ref. 方 [direction]
北の方に kita no hō ni/kata ni in the north   Ref. 方 [direction]
汚い kitanai dirty   Ref. 汚 [dirty]
会議 kaigi conference | meeting   Ref. 議 [discuss]
戦争 sensō war | battle 戦 [warfare]  Ref. 争 [dispute]
配達 haitatsu delivery   Ref. 配 [distribute]
inu dog   Ref. 犬 [dog]
小犬 koinu little dog | puppy   Ref. 犬 [dog]
野犬 yaken stray dog   Ref. 犬 [dog]
do door   Ref. 戸 [door]
机の下に tsukue no shita ni under the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 下 [down]
ください | 下さい kudasai Please   Ref. 下 [down]
劇場 gekijō theater   Ref. 劇 [drama]
絵を描く e o kaku draw a picture 絵 [picture]  Ref. 描 [draw]
図面 zumen plan   Ref. 図 [drawing]
図書 tosho book   Ref. 図 [drawing]
図書館 toshokan library   Ref. 図 [drawing]
飲み屋 nomiya bar | tavern 屋 [roof]  Ref. 飲 [drink]
飲料 inryō drink | beverage   Ref. 飲 [drink]
mimi ear   Ref. 耳 [ear]
左耳 hidarimimi the left ear   Ref. 耳 [ear]
早朝 sōchō early morning   Ref. 早 [early]
地下鉄 chikatetsu subway 鉄 [iron]  Ref. 地 [earth]
地方 chihō district   Ref. 地 [earth]
地球 chikyū the earth | the globe 球 [ball]  Ref. 地 [earth]
higashi east   Ref. 東 [east]
東側 higashigawa eastern side 側 [side]  Ref. 東 [east]
東方 tōhō eastward 方 [direction]  Ref. 東 [east]
東洋 tōyō the Orient 洋 [ocean]  Ref. 東 [east]
東京 tōkyō Tokyo 京 [capital]  Ref. 東 [east]
容易[な] yōi[na] easy | simple   Ref. 易 [easy]
貿易 bōeki trade | commerce   Ref. 易 [easy]
勉強 benkyō studying 強 [strong]  Ref. 勉 [effort]
tamago egg   Ref. 卵 [egg]
卵焼き tamagoyaki omelette   Ref. 卵 [egg]
我利 gari self interest   Ref. 我 [ego]
電気 denki electricity | electric light 気 [air]  Ref. 電 [electricity]
電話 denwa telephone | phone call 話 [talk]  Ref. 電 [electricity]
発見 hakken discovery 見 [see]  Ref. 発 [emit|start]
発行 hakkō issue   Ref. 発 [emit|start]
発明 hatsumei invention   Ref. 発 [emit|start]
発音 hatsuon pronunciation 音 [sound]  Ref. 発 [emit|start]
情緒 jōcho emotion | feeling 緒 [mental state]  Ref. 情 [emotion]
shoku employment | job   Ref. 職 [employment]
職業 shokugyō profession | line of work 業 [occupation]  Ref. 職 [employment]
職場 shokuba place of work   Ref. 職 [employment]
終点 shūten last stop | terminus   Ref. 終 [end]
終列車 shūressha the last train   Ref. 終 [end]
終電 shūden the last train of the day   Ref. 終 [end]
終了 shūryō termination   Ref. 終 [end]
西紀 seiki Christian era   Ref. 紀 [era]
夕方 yūgata [early] evening   Ref. 夕 [evening]
夕べ yūbe last night | yesterday evening   Ref. 夕 [evening]
夕食 yūshoku supper   Ref. 夕 [evening]
今夕 konseki this evening | tonight   Ref. 夕 [evening]
晩に ban ni in the evening   Ref. 晩 [evening]
昨晩 sakuban last evening 昨 [last]  Ref. 晩 [evening]
毎週 maishū every week 週 [week]  Ref. 毎 [every]
毎回食事の前に maikaishokuji no mae ni before each meal   Ref. 毎 [every]
外交 gaikō diplomacy   Ref. 交 [exchange]
交通 kōtsū traffic   Ref. 交 [exchange]
交差点 kōsaten intersection | crossing   Ref. 交 [exchange]
変換 henkan conversion   Ref. 換 [exchange]
換算 kanzan money conversion 算 [calculate]  Ref. 換 [exchange]
御免なさい gomen nasai (Familiar) Excuse me | Sorry   Ref. 免 [exempt]
免許 menkyo license | permit   Ref. 免 [exempt]
練習 renshū practice { = exercise learning} 習 [learn]  Ref. 練 [exercise]
説明 setsumei explanation   Ref. 説 [explain]
使用説明 shiyōsetsumei user instructions   Ref. 説 [explain]
学説 gakusetsu theory   Ref. 説 [explain]
伝説 densetsu legend | tale 伝 [transmit]  Ref. 説 [explain]
小説 shōsetsu novel | short story   Ref. 説 [explain]
程度 teido extent | limit   Ref. 程 [extent]
me eye   Ref. 目 [eye]
目上 meue one's superior | senior   Ref. 目 [eye]
目下 meshita one's subordinate | junior   Ref. 目 [eye]
対話 taiwa dialog   Ref. 対 [face to face]
反対(の) hantai(no) opposite | contrary (of)   Ref. 対 [face to face]
つまらない tsumaranai of no interest | boring   Ref. 面 [face]
前面 zenmen front | facade   Ref. 面 [face]
失礼 shitsurei being rude 礼 [courtesy]  Ref. 失 [fail]
失礼ですが ... shitsurei desu ga ... I beg your pardon   Ref. 失 [fail]
紛失 funshitsu loss   Ref. 失 [fail]
失敗 shippai failure | mistake   Ref. 失 [fail]
遠足 ensoku hike | long walk 足 [foot]  Ref. 遠 [far]
速さ hayasa speed   Ref. 速 [fast]
速度 sokudo rate | velocity   Ref. 速 [fast]
早速 sassoku immediately | at once   Ref. 速 [fast]
父|父親 chichi | chichioya father 親 [parent]  Ref. 父 [father]
お父さん otōsan father, daddy, papa   Ref. 父 [father]
父母 fubo father and mother | parents 母 [mother]  Ref. 父 [father]
知恵 chie wisdom | intelligence 知 [know]  Ref. 恵 [favor]
= "good" prefix   Ref. 好 [favorite]
好物 kōbutsu favorite food   Ref. 好 [favorite]
宴会 enkai dinner party | feast   Ref. 宴 [feast]
料金 ryōkin fare   Ref. 料 [fee]
少少 shōshō a little | a few   Ref. 少 [few]
少し sukoshi a little | a bit   Ref. 少 [few]
少ない sukunai few | not many   Ref. 少 [few]
少なくとも sukunaku tomo at least   Ref. 少 [few]
野外(の) yagai(no) outdoors   Ref. 野 [field]
西野 nishino = west field Ask Marc! 西 [west]  Ref. 野 [field]
晴天 seiten fine weather =Fr. ciel bleu , 天 [heaven]   Ref. 晴 [fine weather]
火事 kaji fire   Ref. 火 [fire]
火曜日 kayōbi Tuesday   Ref. 火 [fire]
火星 kasei Mars   Ref. 火 [fire]
uo fish   Ref. 魚 [fish]
sakana fish   Ref. 魚 [fish]
魚屋 sakanaya fishmonger   Ref. 魚 [fish]
金魚 kingyo goldfish   Ref. 魚 [fish]
手の平 tenohira palm of the hand   Ref. 平 [flat]
海流 kairyū ocean current   Ref. 流 [flow]
急流 kyūryū rapids   Ref. 流 [flow]
交流 kōryū alternative current   Ref. 流 [flow]
hana flower   Ref. 花 [flower]
花火 hanabi firecracker | fireworks   Ref. 花 [flower]
飛行 hikō flight   Ref. 飛 [fly]
飛行機 hikōki airplane 機 [machine]  Ref. 飛 [fly]
従業員 jūgyōin employee 業 [occupation]  Ref. 従 [follow]
生徒 seito pupil =Fr. élève   Ref. 徒 [follower]
食べ物 tabemono food   Ref. 食 [food]
食事 shokuji meal | dinner → :食事   Ref. 食 [food]
朝食 chōshoku breakfast 朝 [morning]  Ref. 食 [food]
昼食 chūshoku lunch 昼 [daytime]  Ref. 食 [food]
ashi foot   Ref. 足 [foot]
遠足 ensoku excursion | long walk 遠 [far]  Ref. 足 [foot]
林教授 hayashi-kyōju Professor Hayashi   Ref. 林 [forest]
故老 korō elder | old man   Ref. 故 [former]
事故 jiko accident | trouble   Ref. 故 [former]
鮮魚 sengyo fresh fish   Ref. 鮮 [fresh]
朝鮮 chōsen Korea 朝 [morning]  Ref. 鮮 [fresh]
北朝鮮 kitachōsen North Korea 北 [north]  Ref. 鮮 [fresh]
友達 tomodachi friend | companion   Ref. 友 [friend]
友情 yūjō friendship 情 [emotion]  Ref. 友 [friend]
友人 yūjin friend   Ref. 友 [friend]
私の友人 watashi no yūjin a friend of mine   Ref. 友 [friend]
果物 kudamono fruit   Ref. 果 [fruit]
結果 kekka effect | result   Ref. 果 [fruit]
満月 mangetsu full moon   Ref. 満 [full]
未満 miman less than [literally = not yet full]   Ref. 満 [full]
動物園 dōbutsuen zoo 動物 dōbutsu: animal  Ref. 園 [garden]
男性 dansei man | male   Ref. 性 [gender]
女性 josei woman | female   Ref. 性 [gender]
性格 seikaku character | nature 格 [model]  Ref. 性 [gender]
性格の悪い seikaku no warui bad tempered 悪 [bad]  Ref. 性 [gender]
性格のいい seikaku no ii good tempered   Ref. 性 [gender]
士官 shikan officer   Ref. 士 [gentleman]
紳士 shinshi gentleman   Ref. 士 [gentleman]
今回 konkai this time   Ref. 回 [go around]
前回 zenkai the last time | the other time   Ref. 回 [go around]
週に三回 shū ni sankai three times a week 週 [week]  Ref. 回 [go around]
_t-occurence maikai every time   Ref. 回 [go around]
介入 kainyū intervention 入 [in]  Ref. 介 [go between]
往復 ōfuku round trip   Ref. 往 [go on]
逆- gyaku- = "going the other way" prefix   Ref. 逆 [go the other way]
逆(の) gyaku (no) opposite meaning   Ref. 逆 [go the other way]
逆転 gyakuten reversal | turnover 転 [turn]  Ref. 逆 [go the other way]
行動 kōdō action | behaviour   Ref. 行 [go]
神学 shingaku theology   Ref. 神 [god | divine]
神風 kamikaze divine wind | kamikaze   Ref. 神 [god | divine]
fuku good fortune   Ref. 福 [good fortune]
もっと良い motto yoi better   Ref. 良 [good]
良子 Yoshiko   Ref. 良 [good]
官吏 kanri government official 吏 [official]  Ref. 官 [government]
緑色 midoriiro green   Ref. 緑 [green]
緑茶 ryokucha green tea   Ref. 緑 [green]
歓迎 kangei welcome   Ref. 迎 [greet]
隊長 taichō captain | commander   Ref. 隊 [group of people]
[お]客 [o] kyaku guest, visitor | customer | client   Ref. 客 [guest]
客車 kyakusha passenger car   Ref. 客 [guest]
客室 kyakushitsu [train] compartment   Ref. 客 [guest]
大半 taihan the greater part | the majority   Ref. 半 [half]
月半ばに tsukinakaba ni in the middle of the month   Ref. 半 [half]
食堂 shokudō dining hall | restaurant   Ref. 堂 [hall]
電停 dentei tram stop   Ref. 停 [halt]
バス停 basutei bus stop   Ref. 停 [halt]
停止 shitei stoppage | outage   Ref. 停 [halt]
授受 juju giving and receiving 受 [get]  Ref. 授 [hand over]
te hand   Ref. 手 [hand]
手紙 tegami letter 紙 [paper]  Ref. 手 [hand]
幸福 kōfuku happiness | well-being 福 [good fortune]  Ref. 幸 [happiness]
atama head   Ref. 頭 [head]
頭目 tōmoku boss   Ref. 頭 [head]
kubi neck   Ref. 首 [head]
手首 tekubi wrist   Ref. 首 [head]
足首 ashikubi ankle   Ref. 首 [head]
首都 shuto capital [city] 都 [metropolis]  Ref. 首 [head]
天気 tenki the weather 気 [air]  Ref. 天 [heaven]
雨天 uten rainy weather | the rain 雨 [rain]  Ref. 天 [heaven]
晴天 seiten fair weather 晴 [fine weather]  Ref. 天 [heaven]
重さ omosa weight   Ref. 重 [heavy]
高さ takasa height   Ref. 高 [high]
高度 kōdo altitude | height   Ref. 高 [high]
故障 koshō malfunction   Ref. 障 [hinder]
史書 shisho history book   Ref. 史 [history]
世界史 sekaishi world history 世 [period]  Ref. 史 [history]
弁当 bentō lunch box 弁 [speech]  Ref. 当 [hit]
支持 shiji support   Ref. 持 [hold]
住宅 jūtaku residence 住 [live]  Ref. 宅 [home]
お宅 o taku your home | your house   Ref. 宅 [home]
自宅 jitaku one's home 自 [self]  Ref. 宅 [home]
御中 onchū Messrs.   Ref. 御 [honorific]
-様 -sama polite honorific   Ref. 様 [honorific]
山本様 Yamamotosama Mr.Yamamoto   Ref. 様 [honorific]
谷さんのお母様 Tanisan no okāsama Ms. Tani's mother   Ref. 様 [honorific]
-shi = "Mr." suffix (polite)   Ref. 氏 [honorific]
田中氏 tanakashi Mr. Tanaka   Ref. 氏 [honorific]
氏名 shimei full name   Ref. 氏 [honorific]
_君 -kun = "Mr." suffix (familiar)   Ref. 君 [honorific]
田中君 tanakakun Mr. Tanaka   Ref. 君 [honorific]
君主 kunshu monarch   Ref. 君 [honorific]
-shi = Member of a profession   Ref. 師 [honorific]
教師 kyōshi teacher | instructor 教 [teach]  Ref. 師 [honorific]
医師 ishi doctor | physician 医 [medical]  Ref. 師 [honorific]
技師 gishi engineer | technician 技 [skill]  Ref. 師 [honorific]
uma horse   Ref. 馬 [horse]
馬車 basha horse-drawn carriage   Ref. 馬 [horse]
暑気 shoki hot weather   Ref. 暑 [hot]
家 を 出る ie o deru to leave home   Ref. 家 [house]
一家 ikka family   Ref. 家 [house]
-家 -ka = "profession member" suffix   Ref. 家 [house]
画家 gaka painter | artist 画 [picture]  Ref. 家 [house]
作家 sakka writer | author 作 [make]  Ref. 家 [house]
いくつ | 幾つ ikutsu how many?   Ref. 幾 [how much|many]
お幾つですか o ikutsu desu ka how old are you?   Ref. 幾 [how much|many]
いくら | 幾ら ikura how much?   Ref. 幾 [how much|many]
これは 幾らですか korewa ikura desu ka how much is this?   Ref. 幾 [how much|many]
百円 hyakuen 100 yen   Ref. 百 [hundred]
百万円 hyakuman'en one million yen   Ref. 百 [hundred]
百万長者 hyakuman chōja millionaire   Ref. 百 [hundred]
otto husband   Ref. 夫 [husband]
-共 -domo "humble plural" suffix   Ref. 共 [in common]
私共 watakushidomo we, us (humble)   Ref. 共 [in common]
中共 chūkyō Communist China   Ref. 共 [in common]
入れ物 iremono container   Ref. 入 [in]
入学 nyūgaku school admission   Ref. 入 [in]
重要[な] jūyō[na] essential {= heavily + important}  Ref. 要 [indispensable]
重要である jūyō de aru be important | matter   Ref. 要 [indispensable]
報道 hōdō news report | news 道 [road]  Ref. 報 [information]
旅亭 ryotei hotel   Ref. 亭 [inn]
昆虫 konchū insect 昆 [insect]  Ref. 虫 [insect]
訳者 yakusha translator   Ref. 訳 [interpret]
間食 kanshoku snack   Ref. 間 [interval]
shōkai introduction   Ref. 紹 [introduction]
学究 gakkyū researcher | scholar   Ref. 究 [investigate]
鉄道 tetsudō railroad 道 [road]  Ref. 鉄 [iron]
玉子 tamago egg   Ref. 玉 [jewel]
正義 seigi justice   Ref. 義 [just]
擬人 gijin righteous man   Ref. 義 [just]
意義 igi meaning   Ref. 義 [just]
預金 yokin bank account   Ref. 預 [keeping]
王様 ōsama king   Ref. 王 [king]
王子 ōji prince   Ref. 王 [king]
王女 ōjo princesse   Ref. 王 [king]
知覚 chikaku perception   Ref. 知 [know]
知恵 chie wisdom 恵 [favor]  Ref. 知 [know]
労働党 rōdōtō Labor Party   Ref. 労 [labor]
物語 monogatari tale | story | legend   Ref. 語 [language]
言語 gengo language 語 [language]  Ref. 語 [language]
国語 kokugo national language 国 [country]  Ref. 語 [language]
外国語 gaikokugo foreign language 外 [outside]  Ref. 語 [language]
日本語 nihongo Japanese language   Ref. 語 [language]
英語 eigo English language 英 [England]  Ref. 語 [language]
半周 hanshū semicircle   Ref. 周 [lap]
円周 enshū circumference   Ref. 周 [lap]
昨日 kinō sakujitsu yesterday   Ref. 昨 [last]
昨年 sakunen last year   Ref. 昨 [last]
一昨日 ototoi day before yesterday   Ref. 昨 [last]
-律 -ritsu "law | rule | regulation" suffix   Ref. 律 [law]
規律 kiritsu discipline | order 規 [regulate]  Ref. 律 [law]
鉛筆 enpitsu pencil   Ref. 鉛 [lead]
ボールペン bōrupen ballpoint pen   Ref. 鉛 [lead]
言葉 kotoba word | term   Ref. 葉 [leaf]
葉書 hagaki postcard 書 [write]  Ref. 葉 [leaf]
学習 gakushū learning   Ref. 習 [learn]
机の左こ tsukue no hidari ni left of the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 左 [left]
左折 sasetsu left turn 折 [break]  Ref. 左 [left]
左右 sayū left and right   Ref. 左 [left]
貸家 kashiya house for rent 家 [house]  Ref. 貸 [lend]
貸与 taiyo loan 与 [contribute]  Ref. 貸 [lend]
学課 gakka lesson   Ref. 課 [lesson]
課長 kachō department manager   Ref. 課 [lesson]
生年月日 seinengappi date of birth   Ref. 生 [life]
学生 gakusei college student   Ref. 生 [life]
先生 sensei teacher 先 [ahead]  Ref. 生 [life]
先生 -sensei title for a teacher   Ref. 生 [life]
高校生 kōkōsei high school student   Ref. 生 [life]
日光 nikkō sunlight   Ref. 光 [light]
月光 gekkō moonlight   Ref. 光 [light]
kei = "light | minor" prefix   Ref. 軽 [light]
軽さ karusa lightness   Ref. 軽 [light]
軽食 keishoku light meal | snack   Ref. 軽 [light]
限度 gendo limit | bounds   Ref. 限 [limit]
無限 mugen infinity   Ref. 限 [limit]
新幹線 shinkansen shinkansen (= the new trunk line)   Ref. 線 [line]
住所 jūsho address 所 [place]  Ref. 住 [live]
永住 eijū permanent residence 永 [eternal]  Ref. 住 [live]
長さ nagasa length   Ref. 長 [long]
長時間 chōjikan long time   Ref. 長 [long]
内容 naiyō contents   Ref. 容 [looks]
美容 biyō beauty 美 [beautiful]  Ref. 容 [looks]
美容院 biyōin beauty shop   Ref. 容 [looks]
敗北 haiboku defeat   Ref. 敗 [lose]
失敗 shippai failure | mistake   Ref. 敗 [lose]
ai love (often used as prefix)   Ref. 愛 [love]
愛情 aijō love | affection 情 [emotion]  Ref. 愛 [love]
愛人 aijin lover   Ref. 愛 [love]
愛くるしい aikurushii adorable   Ref. 愛 [love]
恋人 koibito sweetheart   Ref. 恋 [love]
恋愛 ren'ai romance   Ref. 恋 [love]
恋愛小説 ren'aishōsetsu romance novel 説 [explain]  Ref. 恋 [love]
吉田先生 yoshida-sensei Teacher Yoshida   Ref. 吉 [lucky]
航空機 kōkūki aircraft 航 [navigation]  Ref. 機 [machine]
旅客機 ryokakuki passenger plane   Ref. 機 [machine]
計算機 keisanki computer 計 [measure]  Ref. 機 [machine]
電算機 densanki computer   Ref. 機 [machine]
郵便 yūbin mail service   Ref. 郵 [mail]
郵便局 yūbinkyoku post office 便 [service]  Ref. 郵 [mail]
郵便切手 yūbinkitte postage stamp   Ref. 郵 [mail]
作り方 tsukurikata how to make   Ref. 作 [make]
otoko man   Ref. 男 [man]
男の子 otoko no ko boy   Ref. 男 [man]
男女 danjo men and women | both sexes   Ref. 男 [man]
営業 eigyō sales 業 [occupation]  Ref. 営 [manage]
営業部 eigyōbu sales department   Ref. 営 [manage]
shu = "main | principal" prefix   Ref. 主 [master]
主人 shujin master | landlord   Ref. 主 [master]
私も亦 watashi mo mata me too   Ref. 私 [me]
私の本 watashi no hon my book   Ref. 私 [me]
私達 watashitachi we   Ref. 私 [me]
私立(の) shiritsu (no) private 立 [stand]  Ref. 私 [me]
私物 shibutsu private property 物 [thing]  Ref. 私 [me]
朝ご飯 asagohan breakfast 朝 [morning]   Ref. 飯 [meal]
昼ご飯 hirugohan lunch 昼 [daytime]   Ref. 飯 [meal]
晩ご飯 bangohan evening meal 晩 [evening]   Ref. 飯 [meal]
夕飯 yūhan evening meal | supper   Ref. 飯 [meal]
巻き尺 makijaku measuring tape   Ref. 尺 [measure]
計算尺 keisanjaku slide rule   Ref. 尺 [measure]
計算 keisan computation 算 [calculate]  Ref. 計 [measure]
機械 kikai machinery | instruments   Ref. 械 [mechanism]
医学 igaku medicine   Ref. 医 [medical]
医者 isha doctor   Ref. 医 [medical]
歯医者 haisha dentist   Ref. 医 [medical]
kusuri medicine   Ref. 薬 [medicine]
薬局 yakkyoku pharmacy | drugstore 局 [bureau]  Ref. 薬 [medicine]
kai = "people congregation" suffix   Ref. 会 [meet]
議会 gikai national assembly 議 [discuss]  Ref. 会 [meet]
大会 taikai rally | meeting   Ref. 会 [meet]
会話 kaiwa conversation 話 [talk]   Ref. 会 [meet]
会議 kaigi conference | meeting 議 [discuss]   Ref. 会 [meet]
社員 shain employee 社 [company]  Ref. 員 [member]
店員 tenin clerk 店 [shop]  Ref. 員 [member]
信号 shingō traffic signal 号 [id number]  Ref. 信 [message]
法学 hōgaku laws | jurisprudence   Ref. 法 [method]
法律 hōritsu law (in legal context)   Ref. 法 [method]
法規 hōki (government) laws and regulations   Ref. 法 [method]
方法 hōhō manner | way   Ref. 法 [method]
文法 bunpō grammar   Ref. 法 [method]
使用法 shiyōhō directions for use   Ref. 法 [method]
都会 tokai city 会 [meet]  Ref. 都 [metropolis]
都市 toshi city   Ref. 都 [metropolis]
大都市 daitoshi metropolis   Ref. 都 [metropolis]
中に naka ni in | inside | in the middle of   Ref. 中 [middle]
家の中に ie no naka ni in the house   Ref. 中 [middle]
意見 iken opinion 見 [see]  Ref. 意 [mind]
意味 imi meaning 味 [taste]  Ref. 意 [mind]
意味ありげ(な) imiarige(na) meaningful   Ref. 意 [mind]
首相 shushō Prime Minister 首 [head]  Ref. 相 [minister++]
外相 gaishō Foreign Minister   Ref. 相 [minister++]
規格 kikaku standard 規 [regulate]  Ref. 格 [model]
性格 seikaku character | personality   Ref. 格 [model]
本格的な honkakutekina real | authentic 的  Ref. 格 [model]
時刻 jikoku hour   Ref. 刻 [moment]
tsuki the moon   Ref. 月 [month]
三日月 mikazuki the new moon   Ref. 月 [month]
今月 kongetsu this month   Ref. 月 [month]
来月 raigetsu next month   Ref. 月 [month]
朝日 asahi rising sun | morning sun   Ref. 朝 [morning]
今朝 kesa this morning 今 [now|this]  Ref. 朝 [morning]
あした朝 ashita asa tomorrow morning   Ref. 朝 [morning]
明朝 myōchō tomorrow morning 明 [next]  Ref. 朝 [morning]
毎朝 maiasa every morning 毎 [every]  Ref. 朝 [morning]
sai = "superlative degree" prefix   Ref. 最 [most]
最大[の] saidai[no] the maximum [of]   Ref. 最 [most]
最高[の] saikō[no] the best [of]   Ref. 最 [most]
最良[の] sairyō[no] the best [of] | excellent   Ref. 最 [most]
母|母親 haha|hahaoya mother 親 [parent]  Ref. 母 [mother]
お母さん okāsan mother   Ref. 母 [mother]
母子 boshi mother and child   Ref. 母 [mother]
yama mountain   Ref. 山 [mountain]
山に 近い です yama ni chikai desu be near the mountain   Ref. 山 [mountain]
kuchi mouth   Ref. 口 [mouth]
動物 dōbutsu animal 物 [thing]  Ref. 動 [move]
動詞 dōshi verb   Ref. 動 [move]
移り utsuri change | transition   Ref. 移 [move]
名前 namae first name =Fr. prénom   Ref. 名 [name]
名字 myōji family name   Ref. 名 [name]
航行 kōkō navigation   Ref. 航 [navigation]
航空 kōkū aviation 空 [sky]  Ref. 航 [navigation]
航空機 kōkūki aircraft 機 [machine]  Ref. 航 [navigation]
近所 kinjo neighbourhood 所 [place]  Ref. 近 [near]
近郊 kinkō suburbs 郊 [suburb]  Ref. 近 [near]
この辺に kono hen ni in this neighborhood   Ref. 辺 [nearby area]
近辺 kinpen neighborhood   Ref. 辺 [nearby area]
辺り atari "around here"   Ref. 辺 [nearby area]
新聞 shinbun newspaper 聞 [hear]  Ref. 新 [new]
今日 の 新聞 kyō no shinbun today's paper   Ref. 新 [new]
今朝 の 新聞 kesa no shinbun this morning's paper   Ref. 新 [new]
机の傍こ tsukue no soba ni next to the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 傍 [next to]
次回 jikai next time   Ref. 次 [next | vice]
次週 jishū next week   Ref. 次 [next | vice]
明日 asu | ashita | myōnichi tomorrow   Ref. 明 [next]
明朝 myōchō tomorrow morning   Ref. 明 [next]
明晩 myōban tomorrow evening   Ref. 明 [next]
明年 myōnen next year   Ref. 明 [next]
夜は yoruwa at night   Ref. 夜 [night]
夜遅く yoru osoku late at night 遅 [late]  Ref. 夜 [night]
夜半 yahan midnight 半 [half]  Ref. 夜 [night]
午後 gogo afternoon 後 [after]  Ref. 午 [noon]
午後6時 gogo rokuji 6:00 PM 後 [after]  Ref. 午 [noon]
kita north   Ref. 北 [north]
北側 kitagawa northern side   Ref. 北 [north]
北方 hoppō northward 方 [direction]  Ref. 北 [north]
北海道 Hokkaidō Hokkaido 海 [ocean] | 道 [road]  Ref. 北 [north]
hana nose   Ref. 鼻 [nose]
鼻紙 hanagami tissue paper   Ref. 鼻 [nose]
mi = "not yet" prefix   Ref. 未 [not yet]
未来 mirai future (= what has still not come)   Ref. 未 [not yet]
未知(の) michi(no) unknown 知 [know]  Ref. 未 [not yet]
今日 kyō today   Ref. 今 [now|this]
今日 konnichi today   Ref. 今 [now|this]
今日は konnichi wa Hello | Good morning   Ref. 今 [now|this]
今晩は konban wa Good evening   Ref. 今 [now|this]
失業 shitsugyō unemployment   Ref. 業 [occupation]
umi sea | ocean   Ref. 海 [ocean]
海 へ 行く umi e iku to go to the seaside   Ref. 海 [ocean]
海洋 kaiyō sea | ocean   Ref. 洋 [ocean]
太平洋 taiheiyō The Big Ocean (= Pacific Ocean)   Ref. 洋 [ocean]
西洋 seiyō the Occident | the West   Ref. 洋 [ocean]
供養 kuyō memorial service 養 [raise]  Ref. 供 [offer]
提案 teian suggestion   Ref. 提 [offer]
公吏 kōri public official 公 [public]  Ref. 吏 [official]
古代(の) kodai(no) ancient   Ref. 古 [old]
老人 rōjin elderly person   Ref. 老 [old]
老婦人 rōfujin old lady   Ref. 老 [old]
開始 kaishi inauguration 始 [begin]  Ref. 開 [open]
一番 ichiban first   Ref. 番 [order suffix]
順に jun ni in order   Ref. 順 [order]
順番 junban order | turn 番 [order suffix]  Ref. 順 [order]
出発 shuppatsu departure   Ref. 出 [out]
日の出 hinode sunrise   Ref. 出 [out]
出張 する shutchō business trip 張 [stretch]  Ref. 出 [out]
外で soto de outside   Ref. 外 [outside]
外人 gaijin foreigner   Ref. 外 [outside]
kami paper   Ref. 紙 [paper]
紙幣 shihei banknote | bill   Ref. 紙 [paper]
oya parent   Ref. 親 [parent]
両親 ryōshin parents 両 [both]  Ref. 親 [parent]
親切 shinsetsu kindness 切 [cut]  Ref. 親 [parent]
親切[な] shinsetsu[na] friendly | kind 切 [cut]  Ref. 親 [parent]
通り tōri street   Ref. 通 [pass by]
通行 tsūkō = "idea of passing by" prefix   Ref. 通 [pass by]
通行料 tsūkōryō toll fare 料 [fee]  Ref. 通 [pass by]
通行人 tsūkōnin somebody passing by   Ref. 通 [pass by]
去月 kyogetsu the past month   Ref. 去 [past]
去年 kyonen the past year | last year   Ref. 去 [past]
山径 sankei mountain path   Ref. 径 [path]
直径 chokkei diameter 直 [straight]  Ref. 径 [path]
平和 heiwa peace   Ref. 和 [peace]
和食 washoku Japanese food   Ref. 和 [peace]
民族 minzoku race | people   Ref. 民 [people]
国民 kokumin people of a country | national | citizen   Ref. 民 [people]
二世 nisei 2nd generation japanese-american   Ref. 世 [period]
世紀 seiki century 紀 [era]  Ref. 世 [period]
十九世紀に jukyūseikini in the 19th century   Ref. 世 [period]
中世 chūsei Middle Age   Ref. 世 [period]
人人 hitobito people   Ref. 人 [person]
人気 ninki popularity   Ref. 人 [person]
漫画 manga cartoon | manga   Ref. 画 [picture]
絵画 kaiga pictures | paintings | drawings   Ref. 絵 [picture]
e painting | picture   Ref. 絵 [picture]
絵本 ehon picture book   Ref. 絵 [picture]
分析 bunseki analysis   Ref. 分 [piece]
部分 bubun part | portion 部 [section]  Ref. 分 [piece]
matsu pine tree   Ref. 松 [pine]
松田 matsuda Matsuda   Ref. 松 [pine]
工場 kōjō factory | workshop   Ref. 場 [place]
市場 ichiba (town) market   Ref. 場 [place]
近所の人 kinjo no hito neighbour   Ref. 所 [place]
野原 nohara field   Ref. 原 [plain]
hara Hara   Ref. 原 [plain]
平原 heigen plain | prairie 平 [flat]  Ref. 原 [plain]
高原 kōgen plateau   Ref. 原 [plain]
起原 kigen origin | source 起 [rise]  Ref. 原 [plain]
原因 gen'in cause | origin   Ref. 原 [plain]
原則 gensoku principle   Ref. 原 [plain]
原書 gensho original text 書 [write]  Ref. 原 [plain]
原油 gen'yu crude oil   Ref. 原 [plain]
原子 genshi atom   Ref. 原 [plain]
遊び asobi play | sport | amusement | fun   Ref. 遊 [play]
遊園地 yūenchi amusement park 遊 [play]  Ref. 遊 [play]
音楽 ongaku music   Ref. 楽 [pleasure]
池田 ikeda Ikeda (the name of a good friend of mine)   Ref. 池 [pond]
電池 denchi (electric) battery 電 [electricity]  Ref. 池 [pond]
空港 kūkō airport 空 [sky]  Ref. 港 [port]
責任がある sekinin ga aru to be responsible   Ref. 任 [post]
任命 ninmei appointment   Ref. 任 [post]
注目 chūmoku publicity   Ref. 注 [pour]
注文 chūmon order   Ref. 注 [pour]
大勢[の] ōzei[no] a large number | a quantity | a bunch of ...   Ref. 勢 [power]
yo = "pre-" or "fore-" prefix   Ref. 予 [pre-]
予言 yogen prediction | forecast 言 [say]  Ref. 予 [pre-]
予定 yotei plan | arrangement   Ref. 予 [pre-]
利口[な] rikō[na] smart | intelligent   Ref. 利 [profit]
契約 keiyaku contract | agreement   Ref. 約 [promise]
予約 yoyaku reservation   Ref. 約 [promise]
案内 annai information   Ref. 案 [proposal]
案内者 annaisha tourist guide   Ref. 案 [proposal]
案内書 annaisho guidebook   Ref. 案 [proposal]
証書 shōsho deed | certificate   Ref. 証 [prove]
証明 shōmei proof   Ref. 証 [prove]
公園 kōen public garden | park   Ref. 公 [public]
引き出し hikidashi drawer 出す dasu   Ref. 引 [pull]
引き算 hikizan subtraction 算 [calculate]  Ref. 引 [pull]
引退 intai retirement 退 [retreat]  Ref. 引 [pull]
引力 inryoku gravity   Ref. 引 [pull]
性質 seishitsu (person's) nature   Ref. 質 [quality]
質問 shitsumon question   Ref. 問 [question]
雨 だ ame da il pleut   Ref. 雨 [rain]
降雨 kōu rainfall 降 [come down]  Ref. 雨 [rain]
養子 yōshi foster child | adopted child   Ref. 養 [raise]
地位 chii position | status | social standing 地 [earth]  Ref. 位 [rank]
首位 shui (in) first place | =Fr. en tête 首 [head]  Ref. 位 [rank]
夏至 geshi summer solstice   Ref. 至 [reach]
冬至 tōji winter solstice   Ref. 至 [reach]
読者 dokusha reader   Ref. 読 [read]
赤ちゃん akachan baby   Ref. 赤 [red]
映画 eiga cinema | film | movie 画 [picture]  Ref. 映 [reflect]
規格 kikaku standard | norm   Ref. 規 [regulate]
済みませんが sumimasen ga (Formal) Excuse me   Ref. 済 [relief]
覚え oboe memory | remembrance | =Fr. souvenir   Ref. 覚 [remember]
味覚 mikaku taste (sense) 味 [taste]  Ref. 覚 [remember]
更新 kōshin renewal | update 新 [new]  Ref. 更 [renew]
更新する kōshin suru to renew | to update   Ref. 更 [renew]
hitsu = "required" prefix   Ref. 必 [required]
必要 hitsuyō necessity 要 [indispensable]  Ref. 必 [required]
必要[な] hitsuyō[na] necessary   Ref. 必 [required]
研究 kenkyū research 究 [investigate]  Ref. 研 [research]
研究室 kenkyūshitsu lab | office   Ref. 研 [research]
お休み なさい o yasumi nasai Good night!   Ref. 休 [rest]
休みの日は yasumi no hi wa on days off   Ref. 休 [rest]
休日 kyūjitsu holiday | day off   Ref. 休 [rest]
往復 ōfuku return trip | round trip   Ref. 復 [restore | return to]
往復切符 ōfukukippu round trip ticket   Ref. 復 [restore | return to]
退去 taikyo retreat | withdrawal   Ref. 退 [retreat]
お帰り o kaeri welcome home   Ref. 帰 [return home]
帰りに kaeri ni on the way home   Ref. 帰 [return home]
田作 densaku field tilling   Ref. 田 [rice field]
油田 yuden oil field   Ref. 田 [rice field]
米飯 beihan [cooked] rice 飯 [meal]  Ref. 米 [rice]
電車に乗る densha ni noru get on the train | take the train   Ref. 乗 [ride]
バスに乗る basu ni noru get on the bus   Ref. 乗 [ride]
乗りもの norimono vehicle   Ref. 乗 [ride]
乗客 jōkyaku passenger   Ref. 乗 [ride]
机の右こ tsukue no migi ni right of the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 右 [right]
右折 usetsu right turn 折 [break]  Ref. 右 [right]
早起き hayaoki get up early 早 [early]  Ref. 起 [rise]
kawa river   Ref. 川 [river]
川上 kawakami upstream   Ref. 川 [river]
川下 kawashimo downstream   Ref. 川 [river]
左岸 sagan left bank   Ref. 川 [river]
道路 dōro road | roadway   Ref. 路 [road]
michi path | lane | road [to]   Ref. 道 [road]
国道 kokudō "national" road   Ref. 道 [road]
屋上 okujō roof | house top   Ref. 屋 [roof]
花屋 hanaya flower shop   Ref. 屋 [roof]
部屋 heya room 部 [section]  Ref. 屋 [roof]
寝室 shinshitsu bedroom 寝 [fall asleep]  Ref. 室 [room]
教室 kyōshitsu classroom 教 [teach]  Ref. 室 [room]
温室 onshitsu greenhouse 温 [warm]  Ref. 室 [room]
列に並ぶ retsu ni narabu stand in line   Ref. 列 [row]
行列 gyōretsu procession   Ref. 列 [row]
列車 ressha train   Ref. 列 [row]
-則 -soku "rule | regulation" suffix   Ref. 則 [rule]
規則 kisoku rule | regulation   Ref. 則 [rule]
法則 hōsoku law (of physics)   Ref. 則 [rule]
原則 gensoku principle   Ref. 則 [rule]
走者 sōsha runner   Ref. 走 [run]
-類 -rui "same sort" suffix   Ref. 類 [same sort]
人類 jinrui mankind   Ref. 類 [same sort]
高校 kōkō high school   Ref. 校 [school]
学校 gakkō school | college 校 [school]  Ref. 学 [school]
公立学校 kōritsugakkō public school 公 [public]  Ref. 学 [school]
中学 chūgaku junior high school   Ref. 学 [school]
学校 へ 行く gakkō e iku to go to school   Ref. 学 [school]
四季 shiki the four seasons   Ref. 季 [season]
銀座 ginza Ginza (district in Tokyo) 銀 [silver]  Ref. 座 [seat]
秘め事 himegoto secret   Ref. 秘 [secret]
秘書 hisho secretary   Ref. 秘 [secret]
秘密 himitsu secret | mystery   Ref. 秘 [secret]
部類 burui category | class   Ref. 部 [section]
意見 iken opinion | [point of] view 意 [mind]  Ref. 見 [see]
見物 kenbutsu sightseeing   Ref. 見 [see]
自動車 jidōsha automobile 動 [move]  Ref. 自 [self]
売り場 uriba department (in a store) 場 [place]  Ref. 売 [sell]
仕事 shigoto work | job   Ref. 仕 [serve]
仕方 shikata way (of doing things) | how to do   Ref. 仕 [serve]
便利[な] benri[na] convenient 利 [profit]  Ref. 便 [service]
郵便 yūbin mail service   Ref. 便 [service]
便 bin flight   Ref. 便 [service]
出発便 shuppatsubin departure flight   Ref. 便 [service]
到着便 tōchakubin arrival flight   Ref. 便 [service]
hitsuji sheep   Ref. 羊 [sheep]
子羊 kohitsuji lamb   Ref. 羊 [sheep]
羊肉 yōniku mutton | lamb meat   Ref. 羊 [sheep]
貝類 kairui shellfish   Ref. 貝 [shell]
mise shop | store | bar | ...   Ref. 店 [shop]
飲食店 inshokuten eating place | restaurant   Ref. 店 [shop]
海岸 kaigan coast | seashore   Ref. 岸 [shore]
対岸 the other side of the river   Ref. 岸 [shore]
短所 tansho shortcoming | fault 所 [place]  Ref. 短 [short]
左側 hidarigawa left side   Ref. 側 [side]
右側 migigawa right side   Ref. 側 [side]
銀行 ginkō bank 行 [go]  Ref. 銀 [silver]
uta song   Ref. 歌 [sing]
歌劇 kageki opera 劇 [drama]  Ref. 歌 [sing]
歌舞伎 kabuki Japanese play   Ref. 歌 [sing]
競技 kyōgi match | sporting event   Ref. 技 [skill]
sora the sky   Ref. 空 [sky]
空は 青い です sora wa aoi desu The sky is blue   Ref. 空 [sky]
空気 kūki air | atmosphere   Ref. 空 [sky]
空路 kūro airway 路 [road]  Ref. 空 [sky]
不眠 fumin insomnia   Ref. 眠 [sleep]
yuki snow   Ref. 雪 [snow]
降雪 kōsetsu snowfall 降 [come down]  Ref. 雪 [snow]
兵士 heishi soldier   Ref. 兵 [soldier]
兵舎 heisha barracks 舎 [building]  Ref. 兵 [soldier]
oto noise   Ref. 音 [sound]
発音 hatsuon pronunciation   Ref. 音 [sound]
音楽 ongaku music 楽 [pleasure]  Ref. 音 [sound]
minami south   Ref. 南 [south]
南側 minamigawa southern side   Ref. 南 [south]
南方 nanpō southward 方 [direction]  Ref. 南 [south]
南東 nantō southeast   Ref. 南 [south]
南海 nankai The Southern Sea[s]   Ref. 南 [south]
弁護 bengo defense   Ref. 弁 [speech]
弁護士 bengoshi lawyer   Ref. 弁 [speech]
弁解 benkai excus弁護e   Ref. 弁 [speech]
寝台 shindai bed | sleeping berth 寝 [fall asleep]  Ref. 台 [stand]
台湾 taiwan Taiwan   Ref. 台 [stand]
辞典 jiten [word] dictionary 辞 [word]  Ref. 典 [standard]
字典 jiten [character] dictionary   Ref. 典 [standard]
古典 koten classics   Ref. 典 [standard]
-星 -sei "planet | star" suffix   Ref. 星 [star]
hoshi star   Ref. 星 [star]
駅舎 ekisha train station 舎 [building]  Ref. 駅 [station]
丈夫 な jōbu na strong | tough   Ref. 丈 [stout]
直線 chokusen straight line 線 [line]  Ref. 直 [straight]
直前 chokuzen just before   Ref. 直 [straight]
直後 chokugo immediately after   Ref. 直 [straight]
体力 tairyoku [body] strength   Ref. 力 [strength]
無力 muryoku powerless   Ref. 力 [strength]
張力 chōryoku tension   Ref. 張 [stretch]
強さ tsuyosa strength   Ref. 強 [strong]
強者 kyōsha a strong man   Ref. 強 [strong]
食料 shokuryō food {= the food stuff}   Ref. 料 [stuff]
中華料理 chūkaryōri Chinese cooking   Ref. 料 [stuff]
料金 ryōkin fare   Ref. 料 [stuff]
代金 daikin price | fare | fee   Ref. 代 [substitute]
郊外 kōgai suburbs   Ref. 郊 [suburb]
natsu summer   Ref. 夏 [summer]
夏休み natsuyasumi summer vacations 休 [rest]  Ref. 夏 [summer]
夏季 kaki summer   Ref. 夏 [summer]
太陽 taiyō the sun   Ref. 陽 [sun]
陽子 yōshi proton   Ref. 陽 [sun]
給料 kyūryō salary | wage 料 [fee]  Ref. 給 [supply]
供給 kyōkyū supply   Ref. 給 [supply]
水泳 suiei swimming   Ref. 泳 [swim]
切符 kippu ticket 切 [cut]  Ref. 符 [tag|symbol]
採取 saishu harvesting | collecting   Ref. 取 [take]
才気 saiki talent 気 [air]  Ref. 才 [talent]
-才 -sai = "age" suffix   Ref. 才 [talent]
十二才 jūnisai twelve years old   Ref. 才 [talent]
話者 washa speaker | narrator   Ref. 話 [talk]
電話 denwa telephone | phone call 電 [electricity]  Ref. 話 [talk]
紛争 funsō dispute   Ref. 紛 [tangled]
味覚 mikaku taste (sense)   Ref. 味 [taste]
風味 fūmi flavor 風 [wind]  Ref. 味 [taste]
お茶 ocha Japanese tea   Ref. 茶 [tea]
喫茶店 kissaten (tea)coffeeshop 喫 consume  Ref. 茶 [tea]
教授 kyōju professor 授 [hand over]  Ref. 教 [teach]
教授 -kyōju title for a professor   Ref. 教 [teach]
古寺 koji old temple   Ref. 寺 [temple]
一万 ichiman 10000   Ref. 万 [ten thousand]
万事 banji everything   Ref. 万 [ten thousand]
万歳 banzai hurrah   Ref. 万 [ten thousand]
moto = "former" prefix   Ref. 元 [the first]
元かれ motokare former boyfriend   Ref. 元 [the first]
地元 jimoto home area | local   Ref. 元 [the first]
元気 genki vigor, energy | health 気 [air]  Ref. 元 [the first]
元日 ganjitsu New Year's day   Ref. 元 [the first]
生物 seibutsu living thing   Ref. 物 [thing]
荷物 nimotsu baggage   Ref. 物 [thing]
飲み物 nomimono beverage 飲 [drink]  Ref. 物 [thing]
考え kangae idea | thought | opinion | intention   Ref. 考 [think of]
考案 kōan idea | plan | project   Ref. 考 [think of]
考古学 kōkogaku archeology   Ref. 考 [think of]
千円 sen'en 1000 yen   Ref. 千 [thousand]
tora tiger   Ref. 虎 [tiger]
今何時ですか ima nanji desu ka What time is it? 今 [now|this]  Ref. 時 [time]
何時に nanji ni at what time 何 [what]  Ref. 時 [time]
八時に hachiji ni at eight o'clock   Ref. 時 [time]
六時半に rokujihan ni at six thirty 半 [half]  Ref. 時 [time]
四時二十分 yoji nijūppun 4:20   Ref. 時 [time]
もう朝の5時だよ mō asa no goji dayo! It's already five in the morning!   Ref. 時 [time]
疲れ tsukare fatigue | exhaustion   Ref. 疲 [tired]
定刻 teikoku scheduled time   Ref. 定 [to set]
定休 teikyū regular holiday 休 [rest]  Ref. 定 [to set]
定休日 teikyūbi closing day 休 [rest]  Ref. 定 [to set]
予定 yotei arrangement | plan 予 [pre-]  Ref. 定 [to set]
一緒に issho ni together   Ref. 緒 [together]
家具 kagu furniture 具 [tool]  Ref. 具 [tool]
ha tooth   Ref. 歯 [tooth]
歯ブラシ haburashi toothbrush   Ref. 歯 [tooth]
歯磨き粉 hamigakiko toothpaste   Ref. 歯 [tooth]
登頂 する tōchō suru climb to the summit   Ref. 頂 [top]
町へ行く machi e iku to go to town   Ref. 町 [town]
町名 chōmei town name 名 [name]  Ref. 町 [town]
貿易 bōeki trade 易 [easy]  Ref. 貿 [trade]
貿易会社 bōekigaisha trading firm 会 [meet]  Ref. 貿 [trade]
安泰 antai tranquility 泰 [calm]  Ref. 安 [tranquil]
伝言 dengon message   Ref. 伝 [transmit]
空輸 kūyu air transport   Ref. 輸 [transport]
運送 unsō shipping | transportation   Ref. 運 [transport]
運河 unga canal   Ref. 運 [transport]
旅路 tabiji journey 路 [road]  Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅人 tabibito traveler   Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅行 ryokō trip   Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅行社 ryokōsha travel agency 社 [company]  Ref. 旅 [travel]
家族 kazoku family | household   Ref. 族 [tribe]
真実 shinjitsu truth | reality 実 [real]  Ref. 真 [true]
写真 shashin photograph 写 [copy]  Ref. 真 [true]
試合 shiai game | match   Ref. 試 [try]
試験 shiken test   Ref. 試 [try]
入試 nyūshi entrance examination   Ref. 試 [try]
消防車 shōbōsha fire engine   Ref. 消 [turn off]
消費者 shōhisha consumer   Ref. 消 [turn off]
向こう mukō the other | opposite direction   Ref. 向 [turn toward]
向こう から 来る mukō kara kuru to come from the opposite direction   Ref. 向 [turn toward]
向こう側に mukōgawa ni across | over   Ref. 向 [turn toward]
回転 kaiten turn | revolution   Ref. 転 [turn]
自転車 jitensha bicycle   Ref. 転 [turn]
fu = "un-" prefix   Ref. 不 [un-]
不信 fushin distrust 信 [believe]  Ref. 不 [un-]
不眠 fumin insomnia 眠 [sleep]  Ref. 不 [un-]
不安 fuan uneasyness | unsecurity 安 [tranquil]  Ref. 不 [un-]
叔父 | おじ oji uncle   Ref. 叔 [uncle|aunt]
叔母 oba aunt   Ref. 叔 [uncle|aunt]
机の上こ tsukue no ue ni on the desk 机 [desk]  Ref. 上 [up]
上田 ueda Ueda   Ref. 上 [up]
上野 ueno Ueno   Ref. 上 [up]
使いやすい tsukaiyasui easy to use   Ref. 使 [use]
使用 shiyō use 用 [use]  Ref. 使 [use]
使用者 shiyōsha user   Ref. 使 [use]
-用 -yō = "usage" suffix   Ref. 用 [use]
用具 yōgu equipment   Ref. 用 [use]
私用 shiyō private use   Ref. 用 [use]
公用 kōyō official use 公 [public]  Ref. 用 [use]
用心 yōjin caution | precaution 心 [heart]  Ref. 用 [use]
tani valley   Ref. 谷 [valley]
谷間 tanima gorge | pass 間 [interval]  Ref. 谷 [valley]
大谷 ōtani Ōtani (LA Angels star)   Ref. 谷 [valley]
kuruma car   Ref. 車 [vehicle]
電車 densha [electric] train 電 [electricity]   Ref. 車 [vehicle]
太子 taishi Crown Prince   Ref. 太 [very big]
太陽 taiyō the sun 陽 [sun]  Ref. 太 [very big]
太平洋 taiheiyō the Pacific Ocean 洋 [ocean]  Ref. 太 [very big]
mura village   Ref. 村 [village]
木村 kimura Kimura   Ref. 村 [village]
川村 kawamura Kawamura   Ref. 村 [village]
招待 shōtai invitation 招 [invite]  Ref. 待 [wait]
歩行者 hokōsha pedestrian   Ref. 歩 [walk]
歩道 hodō walkway | sidewalk   Ref. 歩 [walk]
一歩 ippo step   Ref. 歩 [walk]
戦場 senjō battlefield | front 場 [place]  Ref. 戦 [warfare]
戦後 sengo postwar =Fr. l'après-guerre   Ref. 戦 [warfare]
気温 kion (outside) temperature   Ref. 温 [warm]
温度 ondo temperature   Ref. 温 [warm]
暖気 danki warm weather   Ref. 暖 [warm]
暖炉 danro fireplace | stove   Ref. 暖 [warm]
nami wave   Ref. 波 [wave]
波長 hachō wavelength   Ref. 波 [wave]
弱さ yowasa weakness   Ref. 弱 [weak]
今週 konshū this week   Ref. 週 [week]
先週 senshū last week (= the week before) 先 [ahead]  Ref. 週 [week]
一週間 isshūkan for one week | the all week   Ref. 週 [week]
西 nishi west   Ref. 西 [west]
西側 nishigawa western side   Ref. 西 [west]
西方 seihō westward   Ref. 西 [west]
全て subete all | everything | entirely   Ref. 全 [whole]
全部 zenbu the whole thing | entirely 部 [section]  Ref. 全 [whole]
全額 zengaku total amount 額 [amount]  Ref. 全 [whole]
広さ hirosa width   Ref. 広 [wide]
広大な kōdaina vast | extensive   Ref. 広 [wide]
tsuma wife   Ref. 妻 [wife]
夫妻 fusai husband and wife 夫 [husband]  Ref. 妻 [wife]
kaze wind   Ref. 風 [wind]
南風 minamikaze southwind   Ref. 風 [wind]
風雨 fūu storm   Ref. 風 [wind]
強風 kyōfū strong wind 強 [strong]  Ref. 風 [wind]
涼風 ryōfū cool breeze 涼 [cool]  Ref. 風 [wind]
台風 taifū typhoon 台 [stand]  Ref. 風 [wind]
mado pane | window   Ref. 窓 [window]
fuyu winter   Ref. 冬 [winter]
冬季 tōki winter   Ref. 冬 [winter]
暖冬 dantō mild winter   Ref. 冬 [winter]
= "having | with" prefix   Ref. 有 [with]
有名[な] yūmei[na] famous {= with + name }  Ref. 有 [with]
有用[な] yūyō[na] useful {= with + use }  Ref. 有 [with]
onna woman   Ref. 女 [woman]
女の子 onna no ko girl   Ref. 女 [woman]
女の人 onna no hito woman   Ref. 女 [woman]
女子 joshi woman | girl   Ref. 女 [woman]
婦人 fujin woman | lady   Ref. 婦 [woman]
主婦 shufu housewife   Ref. 婦 [woman]
新婦 shinpu bride   Ref. 婦 [woman]
夫婦 fūfu husband and wife | married couple   Ref. 婦 [woman]
辞書 jisho dictionary   Ref. 辞 [word]
辞典 jiten [word] dictionary 典 [standard]  Ref. 辞 [word]
辞任 jinin resignation 任 [post]  Ref. 辞 [word]
任務 ninmu duty | function   Ref. 務 [work duties]
職務 shokumu duties | function   Ref. 務 [work duties]
義務 gimu duty | obligation   Ref. 務 [work duties]
労働 rōdō manual labor 労 [labor]  Ref. 働 [work]
労働者 rōdōsha worker   Ref. 働 [work]
夜勤 yakin night work   Ref. 勤 [work]
勤務 kinmu duty | service | work   Ref. 勤 [work]
勤務時間 kinmujikan office hours   Ref. 勤 [work]
勤務日 kinmubi workday   Ref. 勤 [work]
勤務中である kinmuchū de aru to be on duty   Ref. 勤 [work]
。界 -kai = suffix indicating "group or circle"   Ref. 界 [world]
世界 sekai world | universe 世 [period]  Ref. 界 [world]
記録 kiroku record | document 録 [record]  Ref. 記 [write down]
記事 kiji [newspaper] article   Ref. 記 [write down]
書類 shorui documents | papers   Ref. 書 [write]
書物 shomotsu book | volume 物 [thing]  Ref. 書 [write]
文書 bunsho document | note 書 [write]  Ref. 文 [writings]
文学 bungaku literature   Ref. 文 [writings]
文体 buntai (literature) style   Ref. 文 [writings]
新年 shinnen New Year   Ref. 年 [year]
今年 kotoshi this year   Ref. 年 [year]
黄色 kiiro yellow   Ref. 黃 [yellow]
黄海 kōkai the Yellow Sea   Ref. 黃 [yellow]
次週 jishū next week   Ref. @Future
来週 raishū next week (= the coming week   Ref. @Future
来月 raigetsu next month   Ref. @Future
明年 myōnen next year   Ref. @Future
来年 rainen next year   Ref. @Future
記事 kiji article   Ref. Reading 2022/December
時刻 jikoku time | hour | at   Ref. Reading 2024/January
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couleurs_en_japonais   Ref. Useful Links