--- Work and Related Things
shoku employment | job   Ref. 職 [employment]
職業 shokugyō profession | line of work 業 [occupation]  Ref. 職 [employment]
失業 shitsugyō unemployment   Ref. 業 [occupation]
失業 する shitsugyō suru to lose one's job Ref. 業 [occupation]
任命 ninmei appointment   Ref. 任 [post]
引退 intai retirement 退 [retreat]  Ref. 引 [pull]
仕事 shigoto work | job   Ref. 仕 [serve]
仕事 する shigoto suru to work Ref. 仕 [serve]
辞任 jinin resignation 任 [post]  Ref. 辞 [word]
働く hataraku to work Ref. 働 [work]
労働 rōdō manual labor 労 [labor]  Ref. 働 [work]
転勤 する tenkin suru to be transferred Ref. 勤 [work]
通勤 する tsūkin suru to commute to work Ref. 勤 [work]