--- Voyage
荷物 nimotsu baggage   Ref. 荷 [baggage]
手荷物 tenimotsu hand baggage   Ref. 荷 [baggage]
渡航 tokō crossing | voyage [over the ocean]   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
渡米 tobei going to USA   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
渡仏 tofutsu going to France   Ref. 渡 [crossing]
出張 する shutchō business trip 張 [stretch]  Ref. 出 [out]
予約 yoyaku reservation   Ref. 約 [promise]
往復 ōfuku return trip | round trip   Ref. 復 [restore | return to]
往復切符 ōfukukippu round trip ticket   Ref. 復 [restore | return to]
乗客 jōkyaku passenger   Ref. 乗 [ride]
切符 kippu ticket 切 [cut]  Ref. 符 [tag|symbol]
旅路 tabiji journey 路 [road]  Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅人 tabibito traveler   Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅行 ryokō trip   Ref. 旅 [travel]
旅行 する ryokō suru to travel Ref. 旅 [travel]