--- References to 海 [ocean]
黒海 kokkai the Black Sea   Ref. 黒 [black]
海流 kairyū ocean current   Ref. 流 [flow]
北海道 Hokkaidō Hokkaido 海 [ocean] | 道 [road]  Ref. 北 [north]
umi sea | ocean   Ref. 海 [ocean]
海 へ 行く umi e iku to go to the seaside   Ref. 海 [ocean]
海洋 kaiyō sea | ocean   Ref. 洋 [ocean]
海岸 kaigan coast | seashore   Ref. 岸 [shore]
南海 nankai The Southern Sea[s]   Ref. 南 [south]
黄海 kōkai the Yellow Sea   Ref. 黃 [yellow]