--- Laws, Rules and Regulations
-律 -ritsu "law | rule | regulation" suffix   Ref. 律 [law]
法学 hōgaku laws | jurisprudence   Ref. 法 [method]
法律 hōritsu law (in legal context)   Ref. 法 [method]
法規 hōki (government) laws and regulations   Ref. 法 [method]
規格 kikaku standard | norm   Ref. 規 [regulate]
-則 -soku "rule | regulation" suffix   Ref. 則 [rule]
規則 kisoku rule | regulation   Ref. 則 [rule]
法則 hōsoku law (of physics)   Ref. 則 [rule]
原則 gensoku principle   Ref. 則 [rule]