___ ~Anna Treuch-Cordier
Edmond ___
Émile ___
Marthe ___
Charles ___
Spouse Cordier
Roger Cordier
The American Cousin ___
The Cordier must have emigrated to the USA sometimes before World War One.
This was ~Grand-mère Treuch's intention to join her sister Anna but was it before marrying ~Pierre Verdier or after becoming a widow?
Here are few words from a letter ~Mamie Paulette wrote to me around 1995
Maman's sweet sister never forgot us and sent us a parcel every year. At home we often spoke of this nice aunt so faraway.
Aunt Anna had a boy and a girl. Roger the boy staid in France and lived in Paris. The daughter ~Lucie Cordier-Menegauxworked in Holywood as a governess at the service of Marie Pickford. This cousin of ours was sending us some of this actress clothes whose extravagance made my school mates laugh at me when wearing them to go to school!