--- About the Jeannin family
___ From ~Robert Jeannin
Oncle Robert's family was from the Jura area. His family came to Audincourt hoping for better job opportunities around 1900's. Oncle Robert's parents had a hard time feeding their six children. As a teenager, often hungry he would enjoy a meal at ~Grand-mère Treuch the next door neighbour. This is also where he found a girlfriend, ~Marthe Verdier my future Aunt Marthe.
___ From ~Robert Jeannin
Both the Jeannin and ~Mamie Paulette lived at the Pont de Gland, an Audincourt neighbourhood, also called "Les Autos" because that's were the Peugeot family first started building automobiles.
Some of the cars that were built there were damn good: https://www.bing.com/search?q=Indy+500%2C+1913&cvid=e0b62b046fda4e2ba4496a10e32f310c&FORM=ANAB01&PC=HCTS
___ From ~Robert Jeannin
Oncle Robert in his childhood in the Jura area had always been close to the forest. He knew what each season would bring: the delicious tiny wild strawberries, the delicate blueberries in the higher elevations, the raspberries, the black berries, the hazelnuts and obviously all the mushrooms, so many kinds of them. For me as a young boy that was fascinating to hike through our huge forest with my uncle and learn to recognize them, the good ones, the bad ones and the ones of no interest. What I did not like however was to get out of bed at 4:00 AM to catch the sunrise.