Most of the examples found in this document have been borrowed from the following books.
Dicho y Hecho, Beginning Spanish 3rd Edition, by Laila M. Dawson, Albert C. Dawson. Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Spanish, 750 verbs and their uses by Jan R. Zamir, Edgardo J. Pantigoso, Eduardo Estevanovich. Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Using Spanish, a guide to contemporary usage by R. E. Batchelor & C. J. Pountain. Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 1992
Dictionnaire Moderne Français-Espagnol by Ramón Garciá-Pelayo y Gross and Jean Testas, Librairie Larousse, Paris 1967
The American Heritage Spanish Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992