--- Verbs described in this Binder
to memorize | to learn by heart 暗 [dark] 記 [write down] Ref. 暗記 する anki suru
to guide 案 [plan] Ref. 案内 する annai suru
to study 勉 [effort] Ref. 勉強 する benkyō suru
to order something 注 [CHŪ] Ref. 注文 する chūmon suru
to declare 断 [cut off] 言 [say] Ref. 断言 する dangen suru
to be on the phone 話 [talk] Ref. 電話 する denwa suru
to do business | operate 営 [manage] 業 [occupation] Ref. 営業 する eigyō suru
to be eligible | pass a test 格 [model] Ref. 合格 する gōkaku suru
to distribute | to deliver 配 [distribute] Ref. 配達 する haitatsu suru
to retire (intr.) 引 [pull] 退 [retreat] Ref. 引退 する intai suru
to move to (vi) 移 [move] Ref. 移転 する iten suru
to answer 答 [answer] Ref. 回答 する kaitō suru
to research | to study 研 [research] Ref. 研究 する kenkyū suru
to breakdown 障 [hinder] Ref. 故障 する koshō suru
to allow | to permit | to authorize 可 [capable] Ref. 許可 する kyoka suru
to consider 慮 [consider] Ref. 考慮 する kōryo suru
to enter [school|college] 入 [in] Ref. 入学 する nyūgaku suru
to practice 練 [exercise] | 習 [learn] Ref. 練習 する renshū suru
to use | to make use of 利 [profit] 用 [use] Ref. 利用 する riyō suru
to travel 旅 [travel] Ref. 旅行 する ryokō suru
to cook 料 [stuff] Ref. 料理 する ryōri suru
to explain 説 [explain] Ref. 説明 する setsumei suru
to work 仕 [serve] Ref. 仕事 する shigoto suru
to fail (intr.) 失 [lose] 敗 [lose] Ref. 失敗 する shippai suru
to lose one's job 失 [lose] 業 [occupation] Ref. 失業 する shitsugyō suru
to ask a question 問 [question] Ref. 質問 する shitsumon suru
to leave | to depart 出 [out] 発 [start] Ref. 出発 する shuppatsu suru
to be there | to attend 席 [seat] Ref. 出席 する shusseki suru
to introduce 招 [invite] Ref. 紹介 する shōkai suru
to invite 招 [invite] Ref. 招待 する shōtai suru
to sweep | to clean 掃 [sweep] 除 [remove] Ref. 掃除 する sōji suru
to be transferred 勤 [work] Ref. 転勤 する tenkin suru
to commute to work 通 [pass by] Ref. 通勤 する tsūkin suru
to arrive 到 [arrive] 着 [arrive] Ref. 到着 する tōchaku suru
to drive 運 [transport] Ref. 運転 する unten suru
to make a reservation 予 [pre-] 約 [promise] Ref. 予約 する yoyaku suru
to cross 横 [across] , 断 [cut off → resolve] Ref. 横断 する ōdan suru
to bathe | to take [a shower] 浴 [bathe] Ref. 浴びる abiru
to give 上 [up|above] Ref. 上げる ageru
to open (vt) 開 [open] Ref. 開ける akeru
to open (vi) | to be opened 開 [open] Ref. 開く aku
to become empty (vi) 空 [sky] Ref. 空く aku
to be | there is [ Relates to unanimated objects ] Ref. ある aru
to walk 歩 [walk] Ref. 歩く aruku
to play 遊 [play] Ref. 遊ぶ asobu
to strike | to hit target 当 [hit] Ref. 当たる ataru
to heat up 温 [warm] Ref. 温める atatameru
to fit | to match | to go together 合 [combine] Ref. 合う au
to meet 会 [meet] Ref. 会う au
to keep | to take care of 預 [keeping] Ref. 預かる azukaru
to be (= Japanese copula) Ref. だ da
to take out | push out | send 出 [out] Ref. 出す dasu
(vi) to go out | to depart 出 [out] Ref. 出かける dekakeru
Potential form of suru [ literally = to be doable ] Ref. 出来る dekiru
to leave 出 [out] Ref. 出る deru
to increase 増 [increase] Ref. 増える fueru
to blow 吹 [blow] Ref. 吹く fuku
fall down (rain) 降 [come down] Ref. 降る furu
to become fat | to gain weight 太 [big] Ref. 太る futoru
to enter 入 [in] Ref. 入る hairu
to begin (intr) 始 [begin] Ref. 始まる hajimaru
to begin (tr) 始 [begin] Ref. 始める hajimeru
to transport 運 [transport] Ref. 運ぶ hakobu
to speak | to tell 話 [talk] Ref. 話す hanasu
[weather] to clear up 晴 [fine weather] Ref. 晴れる hareru
to run 走 [run] Ref. 走る hashiru
to work 働 [work] Ref. 働く hataraku
to take place early 早 [early] Ref. 早まる hayamaru
to accelerate | speed up 速 [fast] Ref. 速める hayameru
to open up (book) 開 [open] Ref. 開く hiraku
to go 行 [go] Ref. 行く iku
Honorific for 行く, 来る, いる Ref. いらっしゃる irassharu
to be | there is [ Relates to living things ] Ref. いる iru
to be required 要 [indispensable] Ref. 要る iru
to receive Ref. いただく itadaku
to say | to tell 言 [say] Ref. 言う iu
to change (tr.) 変 [change] Ref. 変える kaeru
to return | go home 帰 [return home] Ref. 帰る kaeru
sit down Ref. かける kakeru
to paint | to draw 描 [draw] Ref. 描く kaku
to write 書 [write] Ref. 書く kaku
Auxiliary verb: to mind | to care for... Ref. かまう kamau
to think 考 [think of] Ref. 考える kangaeru
to lend 貸 [lend] Ref. 貸す kasu
to buy 買 [buy] Ref. 買う kau
to take the place of (intr.) 代 [substitute] Ref. 代わる kawaru
to change (intr.) 変 [change] Ref. 変わる kawaru
to extinguish | turn off 消 [turn off] Ref. 消す kesu
to hear | to listen 聞 [hear] Ref. 聞く kiku
(vt) to decide | to choose 決 [decide] Ref. 決める kimeru
(vi) to run out | to expire 切 [cut] Ref. 切れる kireru
to wear 着 [wear] Ref. 着る kiru
to cut 切 [cut] Ref. 切る kiru
to be crowded 込 [crowded] Ref. 込む komu
to be crowded 混 [mix] Ref. 混む komu
to fall down 転 [turn] Ref. 転ぶ korobu
to answer 答 [answer] Ref. 答える kotaeru
to go down 下 [down|under] Ref. 下る kudaru
to come 来 [come] Ref. 来る kuru
to wait 待 [wait] Ref. 待つ matsu
to go around 回 [turn] Ref. 回る mawaru
to polish | to brush 磨 [grind] Ref. 磨く migaku
to try Ref. みる miru
to see | look at | watch 見 [see] Ref. 見る miru
to show 見 [see] Ref. 見せる miseru
to find | to discover 見 [see] Ref. 見つける mitsukeru
to seek for | to search | wish for 求 [seek] Ref. 求める motomeru
to hold | to grasp | to have 持 [hold] Ref. 持つ motsu
to greet | to welcome 迎 [greet] Ref. 迎える mukaeru
to flow 流 [flow] Ref. 流れる nagareru
to repair 直 [straight] Ref. 直す naosu
to learn 習 [learn] Ref. 習う narau
to fall asleep | to sleep 眠 [sleep] Ref. 眠る nemuru
go to bed | go to sleep 寝 [fall asleep] Ref. 寝る neru
to go up 上 [up|above] Ref. 上る noboru
to climb | to go up 登 [climb] Ref. 登る noboru
to drink 飲 [drink] Ref. 飲む nomu
to ride | travel 乗 [ride] Ref. 乗る noru
memorize | remember | learn 覚 [remember] Ref. 覚える oboeru
to wake up 起 [rise] Ref. 起きる okiru
to wake up (vt) 起 [rise] Ref. 起こす okosu
to be late 遅 [late] Ref. 遅れる okureru
come to mind | remember 思 [think] Ref. 思い出す omoidasu
to get off car, train 降 [come down] Ref. 降りる oriru
to break | fold 折 [break] Ref. 折る oru
to teach | to show how 教 [teach] Ref. 教える oshieru
to come to an end 終 [end] Ref. 終わる owaru
to swim 泳 [swim] Ref. 泳ぐ oyogu
to search | to look for 探 [search] Ref. 探す sagasu
to go away | to leave 去 [gone] Ref. 去る saru
to close [intr.] 閉 [close] Ref. 閉まる shimaru
to close [tr.] 閉 [close] Ref. 閉める shimeru
to believe 信 [believe] Ref. 信じる shinjiru
to check 調 [investigate] Ref. 調べる shiraberu
to know | to be aware 知 [know] Ref. 知る shiru
to live 住 [live] Ref. 住む sumu
to do Ref. する suru
to discard | to abandon 捨 [throw away] Ref. 捨てる suteru
to smoke 吸 [smoke] Ref. 吸う suu
to sit | to sit down 座 [seat] Ref. 座る suwaru
to eat 食 [food] Ref. 食べる taberu
to ask | to beg | to request 頼 [ask] Ref. 頼む tanomu
to build | to erect 建 [build] Ref. 建てる tateru
stand up | leave 立 [stand] Ref. 立つ tatsu
to help | give a hand 手 [hand] , 伝 [pass to] Ref. 手伝う tetsudau
to fly | to travel by air 飛 [fly] Ref. 飛ぶ tobu
to send 届 [deliver] Ref. 届ける todokeru
to bring to a stop | to stop (vt) | to turn off 止 [stop] Ref. 止める tomeru
to get | to take | to catch 取 [take] Ref. 取る toru
to get tired 疲 [tired] Ref. 疲れる tsukareru
to use 使 [use] Ref. 使う tsukau
to attach (vt) 付 [attach] Ref. 付ける tsukeru
arrive 着 [arrive] Ref. 着く tsuku
to make 作 [make] Ref. 作る tsukuru
to transmit | to report 伝 [pass to] Ref. 伝える tsutaeru
to be transmitted | passed down 伝 [pass to] Ref. 伝わる tsutawaru
to continue 続 [continue] Ref. 続ける tsuzukeru
to pass 通 [pass by] Ref. 通る tōru
to move (vi) 動 [move] Ref. 動く ugoku
to sell 売 [sell] Ref. 売る uru
to sing 歌 [song] Ref. 歌う utau
to move (vi) 移 [move] Ref. 移る utsuru
to move (vt) 移 [move] Ref. 移す utsusu
to make sense 分 [piece] Ref. 分かる wakaru
to forget 忘 [forget] Ref. 忘れる wasureru
to cross | go overseas 渡 [crossing] Ref. 渡る wataru
to carry | to hand over | to transfer 渡 [crossing] Ref. 渡す watasu
to break | to smash 破 [break] Ref. 破る yaburu
to translate 訳 [interpret] Ref. 訳す yakusu
to end | stop | quit 止 [stop] Ref. 止める yameru
to quit 辞 [quit] Ref. 辞める yameru
to stop =Fr. s'arrêter 止 [stop] Ref. 止む yamu
to give (to my buddy, to the cat, ...) Ref. やる yaru
to raise 養 [raise] Ref. 養う yashinau
to rest 休 [rest] Ref. 休む yasumu
to read 読 [read] Ref. 読む yomu
to allow | to forgive 許 [authorization] Ref. 許す yurusu