___ tomar
mdc [cantar]
rdc tomo; tomaba; tomé; tomaré; tomaría; tome
gpp tomando; tomado
imp toma, tomad, tome, tomen
Full conjugation at http://www.spanishdict.com/conjugate/tomar
tomar to take
Tienes que tomar este camino
You have to take this road
[Re: tener que [+ inf] ]
Tomaremos el avión esta tarde
We'll take the plane this afternoon
¿Qué decisión ha tomado él?
What decision has he taken?
tomar to have | to take [food or beverage]
¿Quieres tomar una cerveza conmigo?
Do you want to have a beer with me?
[Re: querer ]
Ayer tomamos el desayuno más tarde
Yesterday we had our breakfast later