___ subir
mdc [vivir]
rdc subo; subía; subí; subiré; subiría; suba
gpp subiendo; subido
imp sube, subid, suba, suban
Full conjugation at http://www.spanishdict.com/conjugate/subir
subir to go up | to increase
Los precios han subido mucho
Prices went up a lot
subir to go up | to climb
subir la escalera
to go up the stairs
subir al tejado
to climb on the roof
subir a un arból
to climb a tree
Estan subiendo la montaña
They are climbing the mountain
Quiero subir a la cima
I want to climb to the top
[Re: querer ]
subir get into (car) | get on (train, plane, boat)
subir al coche
to get into the car
subir [algo] to load | bring something up =Fr. monter [valise, bagages]
subir el equipaje
to carry up baggage
Mis amigos subieron las maletas al coche
My friends loaded the suitcases into the car