The time now is https://time.is/ja/
Counting the minutes ___
Counting the hours ___
Telling time
今何時ですか ima nanji desu ka What time is it?  
何時に nanji ni at what time  
八時に hachiji ni at eight o'clock  
六時半に rokujihan ni at six thirty  
四時二十分に yoji nijūppun ni at 4:20  
もう朝の5時だよ mō asa no goji da yo! It's already five in the morning!  
午前8時 gozen hachiji 8:00 AM  
午後6時 gogo rokuji 6:00 PM  
今 [now|this]
午 [noon]
半 [half]
前 [before]
後 [after]