___ !Conjugation Tags
Each verb entry in this binder starts with an abbreviated form of the verb conjugation.
As an example, let's consider the verb llegar. It starts as follow:
mdc [cantar]
rdc llego; llegaba; llegué; llegaré; llegaría; llegue
gpp llegando; llegado
imp llega, llegad, llegue, lleguen
Understanding the verb abbreviated form:
The 3-letter tag at the head of a line is an acronym telling what the line is about.
The mdc tag is followed by the verb conjugation model, in this example [cantar].
The rdc tag is followed by the first person singular form of each of the six main tenses. In this example:
llego 1st person singular form for Present of Indicative
llegaba 1st person singular for Imperfect of Indicative
llegué 1st person singular for Past Definite
llegaré 1st person singular for Future of Indicative
llegaría 1st person singular for Present of Conditional
llegue 1st person singular for Present of Subjunctive
The gpp tag is followed by the gerund and past participle forms.
The imp tag is followed by the four imperative forms: informal singular and plural, formal singular and plural.
The verb forms following the mdc | rdc | gpp | imp tags are sufficient for reconstructing most verbs entire conjugation.
Additional tags are provided for describing the conjugation models or for specifying irregular conjugations forms. They are:
pri lists the Present of Indicative forms.
imi lists the Imperfect of Indicative forms.
pai lists the Past Definite forms.
fui lists the Future of Indicative forms.
prc lists the Present of Conditional forms.
prs lists the Present of Subjunctive forms.
Irregular forms are always shown in red.
Note that it is necessary to become familiar with the Spanish spelling described under !Spelling Rules. Otherwise some verb forms might seem "irregular" when actually they aren't.
This document original version was in French and I kept the original tag name.
mdc is the French acronym for Modèle de Conjugaison.
rdc is the French acronym for Résumé des Conjugaisons (= Summary of Conjugations).