___ mirar
mdc [cantar]
rdc miro; miraba; miré; miraré; miraría; mire
imp mira, mirad, mire, miren
Full conjugation at http://www.spanishdict.com/conjugate/mirar
mirar to see
No miro bien de noche
I do not see well at night
mirar to look
¡Mira por dónde caminas!
Look where you walk!
¡Mira si el cartero ha llegado!
Look if the mailman has arrived!
[Re: llegar ]
mirar to watch
Esta tarde podemos mirar el partido en la televisión
This afternoon we can watch the game on TV
La miraba cocinar el pollo
I was watching her cooking the chicken
¿A quién mirabas? - Miraba a la chica
Who were you watching? - I was watching the girl