___ ~Raymond Fallet
Born in Valentigney on November 3rd, 1931
Son of ~Willy Fallet et de ~Pierrette Verdier
Only son
Married to Rolande
During my summer vacations, it was my duty to feed ~Oncle Willy's rabbits. There were at least one hundred of those critters. I learnt by experience what are rabbit's favorite foods. They are very fond of dendelions and some other milky weeds you find everywhere that has still not been paved on if you know how to look. They love lucern and clover but it may kill them if they overeat it. I also learnt a lot about harvesting hay and grummet which are the animal main diet during the long Franche-Comté winter. On the other hand my cousin Raymond was the one cutting the grass with a scythe, something I never was very good at.
For the ones who don't know: Hay is the grass mowed and dried around June, grummet is a second crop cut in late July or early August.