___ ~Pierre Verdier
Son of ~Antoine Verdier et de Joséphine ?
Marie Verdier épouse Peronnet
Married to ~Marthe Caroline Treuch
Oncle René ___
Tante Pierrette ___
Oncle Marcel ___
Tante Marguerite
Tante Marthe ___
Pierre's occupation was "couvreur / plombier zingueur". The closest I can think of in English would be "roofer / plumber". Pierre died after falling from a roof, I presume around 1914. I was told this accident happened while he was working on the catholic church of Audincourt. But is this true? It seems the church was built a decade later.
I remember ~Grand-père Joseph was very proud Audincourt finally had a catholic church but most of this lutherian city and the protestant side of my family did not share his opinion.