___ ~Marcel Verdier
Born in Audincourt in 1907?
Son of ~Pierre Verdier and ~Marthe Caroline Treuch
Oncle René ___
Tante Pierrette ___
Tante Marguerite
Tante Marthe ___
Mamie Paulette ___
Married to Denise and then to Tante Alice
Cousine Georgette. We always called her Lélette
Cousin Pierrot
According to ~Oncle Marcel the Treuch family was originally from Saverne in Alsace.
We may presume that my grand-mother parents fled Alsace after this French province was annexed to Germany following the 1870-1871 war with Prussia.
It might also be that the family had settled in Pays de Montbéliard well before the French-Prussian conflict since like the majority of the people there they were Lutherian protestants. Visiting the old Lutherian cemetery in Audincourt might tell.
Around 1950 thanks to his friend Monsieur Godard, director at Peugeot, Oncle Marcel got transferred to a position in the Peugeot factory at La Garenne-Colombes, near Paris. He and Tante Alice used to come and visit us every Sunday at seven in the morning when all of us ~Mamie Paulette included were still sleeping. Oncle Marcel, contrary to ~Papi et ~Mamie Paulette was a very pratical man. He is the one who brought us acetylene lamps to lighten our place during the long blackouts, that were occuring daily in the after-war Paris when electricity was kept in priority for industrial use in order for the country to rebuild after the immense destructions of the war. Acetylene lamp bright white light was quite a change from the candle constant flickering that made evening home work so hard.
Oncle Marcel one time managed to find oil paint, a rare commodity in those days. However after painting our single room a horrible dark green it was so dark that we nearly missed the original pink walls. Then Mamie in order to lighten up the place the best she could with some gouache and a lot of patience drew the entire room with white daisies. I'll never forget those daisies!