___ ~Ma Famille
For French ___
My children and grand children often ask me such questions as "Who was ~Papi?", "Who was ~Tonton Willy?"
That's a good reason for me to gather everything I still remember and start this project that will be both a genealogy and a family history.
The work is only starting but it will continue for as long as possible. To those who may feel forgotten just be patient, your turn will come too!
Meanwhile help me to rediscover what I may have forgotten or even never knew.
How to read this document?
One may start with any entry listed after clicking on the "Full Index" button at the top. A good starting point even if it seems somewhat pretentious on my part is to click on ~Claude or ~Le Claude.
I tried to make this document more attractive by inserting some notations or telling memories of a forgotten era. Find them out by clicking here ___